Happy New Year!
Jennifer Garufi (formerly Mannion)
Author, Mindfulness Teacher, Speaker, Owner of Jennygarufi.com
Happy New Year! I hope you get to take some time as the year begins to give yourself a ton of credit for all you made it through and accomplished in 2023 and also get excited for 2024! The more we can give ourselves credit the more empowered we can feel. We’ve all been through a time like no other and the only person we can be in control of, is ourself. How we think and the emotions that accompany those thoughts, truly do create our reality. Mindfulness is of utmost importance and we are all lucky enough to have that power in every single moment.
Yesterday wrapped up 3 years of consecutive years of meditation for me. (1095 days). So as I began my 4th year, it came to me I feel like I am entering my senior year. Not that I am EVER graduating - LOL but I have learned so much and truly started with that freshman “beginner (and often overwhelmed) mind.” My sophomore year was about me figuring out and getting a little clearer on my practice and who I was. Last year was truly coming into ME and the truest version I have found so far. My word of 2023 was “serenity” and I truly left 2023 a WHOLE lot more serene and peaceful than when the year began. As I head into year 4, my word of the year is “Glory”. A word I never really have even said, but when I heard it - spoken by an amazing teacher I follow, it resonated in every cell of my Being. This is one of my favorite quotes on glory:
“The glory is being happy. The glory is not winning here or winning there. The glory is enjoying practicing, enjoy every day, enjoying to work hard, trying to be a better player than before.” By Rafael Nadal.
I am loving every day of my work. My meditation practice. My partner, our children. 2023 had me coming into the most amazing sessions I have ever held with clients, my Soul Harmony Sessions are a culmination of almost 18 years of study, study of the Akashic records, Shamanism, and over 10 modalities of energy healing, study of the law of attraction, breathing, mindfulness, meditation and more. They feel so amazing and have offered my clients and myself many shifts. If you are interested - they are still priced very low so I can help as many people as possible. https://jennymannion.com/energy-healing-services-soul.../
I began 2023 saying I have no idea when I would ever write another book, but knew I wanted to. I currently have a poetry book written and 10,000 words of another book along with a book proposal written. I welcome ANY good juju sent my way for finding the perfect publishers for these 2 works! Both have my heart and soul behind them. Any time I sit down to write my new book it comes through me. The poems are 42 works I have created over the last few years.
I started 2023 saying I wanted more collaborative works with others. I belong to 3 different projects and more that I am so deeply passionate about:
Self Worth Now - A 26 day journey into deep self worth. Where I am one of 8 experienced energy healing practitioners sending energy daily to the people taking part in the program. This is such a heart felt group and program and I feel so deeply grateful to be a part of it. There are already powerful testimonials and I would love for you to feel the beauty in this project and the love and energy behind it. It is time we all embrace our self worth to step into the highest versions of ourselves. For less than $30 you get to gift one to a friend as well!! I got to meet my soul brother Jim, head of Mindful Markets (mindfulmarket.com/) and help him a little with this Self Worth Now program, and his visions and love are a source of constant inspiration. https://selfworthnow.com??
Most Important Patient - My friends Amy Loughren (The Good Nurse) and Liesel Albrecht are leading these amazing retreats for caregivers. Mostly nurses, but all caregivers are welcome to refuel in so many different ways. Workshops, keynote speakers, one on one sessions, meditations, sound baths and so much more. The first event is in Savannah, this June. I am so grateful to be a part of this team and to give back to those that give so much. I am helping behind the scenes with the “Dreamtime” aspect of the daily event and the Spiritual Expo and will also be leading a workshop or two. You can find out more info here: https://www.mostimportantpatient.com
Healers Hub - I have joined a group of vetted alternative healing practitioners that are true elders in their field. We have created a circle of support for each other; peer to peer. Lara Rose Wood has manifested amazing healing practitioners, and I am grateful to be one of the 8 first practitioners on the site. We are opening up our circle to members where there will be group gatherings online, access to the other practitioners with a discount, and so much more. You can meet other practitioners, community members and have access to a global community as well as local. As practitioners we are supporting each other and the members to create a potent space of belonging and healing. I am truly excited about this creation and community. Here is the link to the website if you want to take a peek. myhealershub.com??Synchronistically a friend from High School, Conroy Browne (https://www.conroybrowne.com/) is in two of these projects with me and it has been beautiful to reconnect with him. I feel like every single person in these projects is soul family and feel so deeply grateful to be on this journey with each of them!!
I continue learning from my brilliant mentor, soul sister and gifted medium, Justine Wyrostek and cannot recommend her services enough. I have never experienced a more gifted Medium and she is so FULL of love. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057295374780
I also continue to be excited about my work with my dear soul sister Seana Zelazo. (https://www.seanazelazo.com/) It is with her gentle (repeated) promoting that I DID bundle my 42 poems into a book and realized I had 150 pages!! She and I led a beautiful workshop last year and have some exciting plans for this year too - stay tuned. Her friendship and working with a fellow author, Akashic record reader, and truly soul sister, has been enlightening to say the least. I met her through Sacred Stories Publishing - where her amazing book The Way of Inanna was published. I was also blessed to be a part of 3 of their books on the Common Sentience Series. https://sacredstories.com/
I am blessed to have so many amazing people in my life. My love, Vinny offers me daily support and love. We are blown away by our kids, and their partners and how well everyone is doing. We have friends and family we are so deeply grateful for that make this like a whole lot more fun! We get to travel a little as we seek out moving in the next year or so and always have fun exploring.
I am so grateful for the interviews this year, Meeting people like Russ Johnson, Moncef Afkir, and reconnecting with leaders like Paula Vail, Kim O’Neil, Dom Brighton and Lucia have truly filled my heart!! https://jennymannion.com/media-press/
Life can truly be an adventure and a FUN one at that! Yes, there are things in the world that truly, deeply suck now and are heart breaking. We cannot serve ANYONE if that is ALL we focus on. When we fill ourselves up with love and empowerment, we can help others FROM that filled space. After losing my mom and others that year (2020) and afterward, I felt like my world had stopped in so many ways. I feel very blessed I did NOT give up and had support even on the days I truly did not feel worthy of support. We are ALL worthy of help, love and a hug, and it begins with kindness to ourselves. I feel so deeply grateful to be aligned with people who love to help others and my goal is to do so on a greater scale each and every year.
May 2024 expand your world and blessings beyond your wildest dreams! I would love to stay connected with you and am grateful for you being on this journey with me. I would welcome knowing if YOU chose a word for the year and any insights on 2024. Please reach out and check out these above programs… they are all life changing and I feel so honored to be a part of them!! I always want to know how YOU are doing - I am grateful for our connection!! Sending MUCH love your way!!!