Happy New Year

Happy New Year

“Teach us to number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

We stand on the threshold of a new year 2024. As the calendar turns over to another year; most people start thinking about what they did or did not do the past year, and what they would like for the New Year to bring. Every New Year millions of people begin their year with some resolutions. A New Year is an opportunity to redefine our vision, purpose, goals, and priorities. It is also an opportunity to bury the past and move into a new future. The Bible does not forbid us from making goals and plans for the upcoming year. It is a good thing to make plans. In fact, according to Proverbs, the wise person will set goals and prepare for the future.

Proverbs 16:9 says, "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."

Proverbs 16:3 – “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established “

Proverbs 15:22 says “Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed.”

In the above Bible verses, we see that while the outcomes belong to God, it is good and advisable to make plans and set goals. Not only does God encourage us to make plans (set goals) but he also wants us to get the best advice we can to help make those plans: Resolutions are Not for Us but for God’s Glory. Before we decide on a New Year resolution, we should honestly evaluate our resolution’s point and goal. Are we doing it for ourselves, or will it be for the glory of God? Are we trying to impress someone with our resolution, or are we striving to get closer to God? No matter how dedicated we are to our resolutions, success will not matter unless we do them to glorify and serve God. Our lives are like ships at sea. Our resolutions are the rudders that guide the ships. There is no better New Year’s resolution than what starts in the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:2 “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” We have a brand-new year before us and our God is the God of new beginnings. Let us resolve to know God more intimately and do our best for the Lord in this New Year He has given us.

The inscription from the Bible verse at the top is “A prayer of Moses." “Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalms 90:12) Moses, watched an entire generation of Israelites die in the wilderness on account of their disobedience to God. Moses saw and knew first-hand that we come with an expiration date. According to the psalmist, we are like the new grass of the morning – though in the morning it springs up new, by evening it is dry and withered (Ps 90:6). And, someday we will all return to dust (Ps 90:3). An expiration date has been stamped on each one of us By God. You may wonder why mankind which was created to live forever now comes with an expiration date. The answer is simple and basic, according to the psalmist: (Ps 90:7-8) “For we are brought to an end by your anger; by your wrath we are dismayed. You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.”

Man, who has been created to live forever, his life has been cut short because of sin and God's judgment against that sin. The changes of time and seasons from the brightness of noonday to the blackness of midnight, from spring's sunshine and flowers to autumn's shadows and yellow leaves, from summer's heat to winter's frost, are voices whose emphasis and pathos are ever uttering grand yet awful lessons about mortality and death. Life is measured by years because of its brevity. All the past is spent. Whether it has been squandered or well laid out, it is gone, and it went almost imperceptibly. According to the Bible, mankind was created to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. Mankind, as created, was never meant to die. Yet, as you all know, the statistics for death are most striking: so far it stands at one hundred percent; everyone who has ever lived ends up dying. We all come with an expiration date.

Therefore, it is vital that Days, to be well numbered must be estimated in the light of eternity. Those who number their days right have a heart of wisdom. Think about the many opportunities you have had of promoting the Divine glory in comparison to others; and remember, that to whom much is given, of them also shall much be required. How changed a thing life would become to us if there were no eternity! Compare two lives, one without, and one with, the thought of eternity. What is this wisdom to which we should apply our hearts? It is that which leads us to so use this life as the preparation for the life eternal. Remember this life is our school, our training ground, the scene of our education for eternity. This life is a season of probation, assigned to us to make our choice between everlasting happiness or misery.

This is why the most precious thing we can seize is the wisdom to see life from an eternal perceptive and value the preciousness of time. Time is our only opportunity for acquiring wisdom. The whole soul and spirit, with all their strength, are to be applied in the search for wisdom. Because it makes us realize how transitory our life is. So, time is our opportunity to estimate human life by the purpose to which it should be applied. It should be measured by the eternity to which it leads.

God's Word brings us a comforting promise, along with an insightful command as we face a new year: James 1:5 – “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given to you.” We can live this coming year without fear if we apply the following four principles of incredibly wonderful wisdom to our lives and root them deep into our hearts.

First principle - the Companionship of God’s Presence

I do not know what I am going to face in 2024. But there is one thing I know, "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." (James 4:8). Every morning when I wake up – He is there for me, every night as I fall asleep, He is still there for me. In between morning and night, every time I call on Him, He is already there. – He will never leave me. Life is hard. Trials, fears, stress, and worries come at us from every side. Sometimes it is so overwhelming I cannot sleep or I break down in tears… but when morning comes and the sun rises, I am reminded that his mercies are new every morning. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. There are only three days that we need to concern ourselves with, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Yesterday is gone and there is no need to worry about it because we cannot change it even if we tried to. Tomorrow has not come, and we do not know what will happen, so there is no reason to concern ourselves with it and our future is in His hands ….

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,

Because He lives, all fear is gone,

Because I know He holds the future,

And life is worth living,

Just because He lives!

That only leaves one day and that is today: We Have Only Today – Only God knows how long we will live. We do not choose the number of our days. However, we can choose to make the most of every day. Mother Teresa said “Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin.” Today does matter. You cannot change yesterday but you can make the most of today. You cannot go back – but you can move forward. Psalm 118:24 says “This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it” Remember “The LORD is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray”. The LORD leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his commands” (Psalm 25:8-10). Are you a child of God? God will always show us what is right for us. He leads those who obey Him with unfailing love and faithfulness.

When God's Word promises that God will never forsake you, it means that He will never abandon you. He will not give up on you. We need to practice the presence of the Lord every moment of the coming year. We are not alone. God leads and teaches us along the way. When the devil comes and knocks at your heart's door, you can simply say, "My Lord, please go answer the door."

Second Principle -the Contentment of God’s Provision

God promises to meet all your needs, if you ask him for help and learn to be content --What is contentment? Contentment means my happiness is not dependent upon circumstances. Contentment is not denying one's feelings about wanting and desiring what they cannot have, but instead, it exhibits freedom from being controlled by those feelings. Contentment is not pretending things are right when they are not, but instead, it displays the peace that comes from knowing that God is bigger than any problems and that he works them all out for our good. Contentment is not a feeling of well-being contingent on keeping circumstances under control, but instead, it promotes joy despite circumstances, looking to God who never varies. Contentment is not based on external circumstances, but rather on an internal source. Contentment is of the heart.

To become a person of Contentment, we assume that we want better relationships a better car, and a better life. And, we are inclined to live endlessly for the next thing - the next weekend, the next vacation, the next purchase, and the next experience. We are never satisfied, never content, and envious of those who have what we have not attained or accumulated. Most people get caught into "when" thinking: "When I get a better job ... When I can retire ... When I get the nice house ... When my children settled ... then I will be happy” God says, "No, once you get there, you'll always want something else." If you do not learn contentment, you will never be happy. You will always want more.

“Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we cannot take anything with us when we leave it. Contentment is not getting what you want, but it is wanting what you already have. Paul, the apostle, wrote, "I don't say this out of need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am" (Phil. 4:11) 1 Timothy 6:6-8 says, "But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and we can certainly carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us therewith be content." If you know God, you have contentment. If you have got clothes on your back, something to eat, and Christ in your heart, you are rich! Therefore, the first step to contentment is to make the Lord Jesus as your Savior and Lord, and Shepherd (Psalm 23:1). The second step to contentment is to know and enjoy God’s gracious provisions (Psalm 23:2-3). The third step to contentment is to walk with the Lord through the hard times (Psalm 23:4-5) The fourth step to contentment is to see God’s goodness in every situation, both now and in the future (Psalm 23:6).

Third principle -the Confidence of God’s Promise

When trouble is all around, we can either panic or find strength in faith. God's Word contains thousands of promises waiting to be claimed in faith. It is our prayer that your faith and trust in our Heavenly Father will be increased as you seek Him to supply your every need. The enemy's number-one strategy to keep you locked into a lifestyle of fear is to try and keep you in doubt as to the truth of God's promises. This is still his most reliable weapon. God segregates faith, which means “trust,” or “confidence,” as the single most important element of a relationship with Him (Heb. 11:6,). Faith in God's promises moves mountains, heals cancers, restores marriages, and changes the world. So, what will the devil use to try to neutralize this power? He will use fear, the reciprocal of faith. Specifically, fear that God's promises are not true. This battle primarily takes place between your ears—in your mind. It is the first place doubt and fear are going to show up when you begin to stand on God's Word. If you lose it in your thought life, you have lost the war.

For example, if you are standing on God's promises of provision and prosperity to get your needs met, the first time a bill comes due that you cannot pay, you will stand strong. You will say, "My God supplies all my needs" (Phil. 4:19). So you must take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). When the enemy calls into question the truth of God's Word, do what Jesus did. Come right back at him with a scripture, "It is written. A promise from God is a statement we can depend on with absolute confidence. Here are 12 promises for the New Year

God's presence -- "I will never leave you" (Heb. 13:5)

God's protection -- "I am thy shield" (Gen. 15:1)

God's power -- "I will strengthen you" (Isa. 41:10)

God's provision -- "I will help you" (Isa. 41:10)

God's leading -- "When he brings out his sheep, he goes before them." (John 10:4)

God's purposes -- " I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jer. 29:11)

God's rest -- "Come unto Me, all you that labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28)

God's cleansing -- "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9)

God's goodness -- "No good thing will He withhold from them that work uprightly" (Psalm 84:11)

God's faithfulness -- "The Lord will not forsake His people for His great name's sake" (1 Sam. 12:22)

God's guidance -- "The meek will He guide" (Psalm 25:9)

God's wise plan -- "All things work together for good to them that love God" (Rom. 8:28)

A promise is no better than the one who makes it. Who says, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee"? It is the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God. This is the confidence of His promise. In the coming year, when you say, "God, I just don't have the strength." The omnipotent God will answer, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." When you say, "God, I'm afraid of what is going to happen." The omnipresent God says, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." And when you say, "God, I don't know what to do." The omniscient God will respond, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." He has said it. Friends, to know that God’s thoughts are much better than mine is such a comforting thing. His planning and work for my life are perfect.

Fourth the Comfort of God’s Protection

Without question, we live in a strife-ridden world, one torn by conflicts, poverty, disease and sickness, natural disasters of gigantic proportions, injustices, and corrupt and self-centered leaders. Ours is a world polluted by demonic powers and humanistic ideas where man is wise in his own eyes and clever in his sight. As it was in Isaiah’s day, evil is called good, and good evil, darkness is substituted for light and light for darkness, bitter is substituted for sweet, and sweet for bitter (Isa 5:20). The root of the problem is that we have become wise in our own eyes and clever in our sight (Isa 5:21) The unrighteousness of society is the product of its ungodliness, its restless and futile activity to find meaning and happiness in life without truly turning to God and trusting in Him and His plan of salvation for all spheres of life.

So where is God in all of this? Doesn’t He care? Is there, not a solution and that which can bring comfort? That God cares is seen in the gift of the Word, a book filled with His promises, and the gift of His Son, the greatest promise of all. In anticipation of His death, resurrection, and ascension, and His departure from His disciples (knowing their troubled hearts), Jesus said to His disciples, “let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1). In these words, we see the Savior’s Comfort and His Protection, but we also see two problems which reveal two needs. First, we see “troubled hearts” and the need of mature faith. Second, we see the solution, belief, or faith. If faith is absent, it is the cause of a troubled heart. Resting in the love of God is something that gives us such a relaxed feeling.

Psalms 27:1- 5 says "The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall, I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, My enemies and foes, They stumbled and fell. Though an army may encamp against me, My heart shall not fear; Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident. One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple. For in the time of trouble, He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle, He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock." Hebrews 13:6 promises, "So that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.". When you find your contentment, companionship, and confidence in the Lord. Then, you will find your comfort and courage in Him. There is no better New Year’s resolution than what starts in the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:2 “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” That brings me to a text, one of the better-known verses in the New Testament, and my favorite verses for a new beginning.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2). It speaks of God’s perfect will for our lives, but it is also a call to action on our parts. Our spirits have been transformed by Jesus when we confess Him as Savior, but it is up to us to renew our minds and to listen to God so that we can discern His will. Renewing the mind is a constant process, but one with great rewards. Any major life change or new habit requires a new process of thinking, and renewing our minds to God’s will is the way to achieve this. God never stops working on us because there is so much work that needs to be done. All of us are works in progress. We are not finished, not glorified, not perfected, not completed. We are all “under construction.” If you concentrate on your weakness, you will lose your confidence. If you concentrate on God’s faithfulness, you will grow in confidence. God is determined that when we see Him, we will all be like Jesus in the end. Romans 8:29 says that we are "predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.” God intends that we will slowly but surely be transformed into the image of Christ.

It will not happen by accident.

It does not happen overnight.

It cannot happen without the Holy Spirit.

It happens when we make a personal commitment.

It happens with the godly influence of other believers.

It happens as we become what God made us to be.

It happens as we behold the glory of Christ.

We must pursue the Lord so that we may know him better and better. Then and only then will you be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Wish you a happy New Year 2024.


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