Happy New Year
2021, what is in store for us? By continuing to focus on being the best we can be doesn’t guarantee success, however, it sure increases our chances of progress and fulfilment.
One of my main “meanings of life” is friendships, relationships, connections. Humans, by nature, require the need to connect, that is primarily why the pandemic restrictions are so difficult for most people.
Despite posting every day on Social Media (as you know, 90% is business) an artist works in isolation and I cherish my solitude and privacy. However, I do crave and deeply miss in person contact. Lets pray that opportunity will return very soon.
I do want to thank my many friends (and family) for your love, support, conversation, connection, laughs, lessons and fun. You enhance my life immeasurably. My Well is very deep but it has no bottom. There is always room for quality people to add to my life experience.
I hope my posts, in some small way, have added to your moment, day or life. Im completely aware that art (including photography) has the power to dramatically impact the viewer’s experience and trigger a multitude of thoughts and reactions. For it is the viewer, not the image, that dictates the response. My primary objective is not to "show what I can do", it is to help you discover who you are.
I too suffer pain and profound sadness and disappointment, however, its the kindness and support of my network that propels me forward. Life is very hard ("no one gets out alive"), however, being there for others is the ultimate elixir.
Be well, be safe, until we meet again.