Happy New Year 2022 - Dry January
Sobah Beverages
Proudly Aboriginal owned and led, Sobah is Australia's first non-alcoholic craft beer company.
Happy New Year!
The first week of 2022 is done and dusted and we're back ready to kick a whole bunch of new goals with you this year!
Our goal is to triple...?triple the GOOD!
We'll be hiring, giving back, making more beer, and building our brewery.?
We trust you're all well (that would be a miracle!). Our team hasn't been so lucky, so behind the scenes, we're doing what we can to get the cogs turning again,?while 1/3 of us are on some sort of Covid related leave.?
Below is a brief update of what's coming throughout this "Dry January".
We're blessed to be here on this Country, privileged to call it home, use it as our playground, have it revive our soul. This is a part of Minjerribah, commonly known as South Stradbroke Island (it used to be one with the north island). We chose this place to take our team for our annual 'Big Day Out' - across the seaway and through the island with Fabio of Bush to Coast Expeditions sharing some of his favourite places.
This is the final week of our campaign to see Sobah as the first ever non-alc craft beer make it to the Top 100 Aussie Craft Beers list! For this to happen, we need a truck load of votes! It's purely a popularity vote, and it's always the big guys topping these lists. So we need your help! Please vote and share with you friends and networks. Head to the link below before Saturday 15th Jan to put your first vote on Sobah.?
Davidson Plum GF Ale
It's back! We have a fresh batch ready to fulfill orders. Head to our?website?to get your hands on our popular refreshing gluten-free non-alc brew.?
Upcoming events
The Summer is showing us some wild weather around this vast country, so wherever you are, we hope you're safe and getting as much of the outdoors as possible. With Triple J's Hottest 100 (music) and GABS Hottest 100 (beers) over the same weekend, there is plenty enough reason?to throw a BBQ.?
While events we were teeing up to serve cold tinnies have been postponed, you can still grab?a variety of our brews for your eskies, a cap or bucket hat, and a shirt or two, and show your support this month.?
26th January - Australia Day / Invasion Day / Survival Day.
Over the coming weeks we'll be sharing ideas about how you can safely show your allegiance to our brothers and sisters, the?First Nations peoples of Australia, whether it's supporting blak businesses, sharing content on social media or attending rallies and marches around the country. We're always proud to see supporters wearing Sobah shirts at their local events!
Support your local!
Please take care of your local businesses and find our brews in store somewhere near you. Head to our?stockists page?or send us an email if you can't find what your?looking for. We're happy to help.