Happy New Year - 2020
Spencer Nigel ROBINSON
Administrative Professional (IMF | Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Center)
Monday 30 December 2019: In everything give thanks to God for his blessings, protection and guidance as we look forward to embrace the new year of 2020. Likewise we must acknowledge the assistance and support of our families, loved ones, neighbours, friends, school and work mates for making us what we are today.
The past is history but it provides important learning experiences from our mistakes and shortfall to improve for the better to make a difference in our lives. Confucius once said, 'Study the past if you would define the future.'
Similarly the late Mother Theresa once said, 'Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.'
To all my fellow Fijians may you have a blessed and prosperous New Year.