Happy New Year 2020, Happy New Decade!!

Happy New Year 2020, Happy New Decade!!

May it be the Most Successful Decade of Your Life So Far!

I wish us all that when we look back at the 2020s, ten years from now in a usual end-of-decade retrospective, we’ll see that the balance of things that we’ve brilliantly succeeded at versus the unavoidable failures (minor and large) will be overwhelmingly positive.

This is not going to be an easy ten years. Many challenges and changes - some of unprecedented nature and scale - lay ahead, but so do many opportunities. Navigating the challenges and capturing the opportunities will require effort, smarts and courage, and as usual not all shallows can be avoided. Some of those will require our cooperation, hard work, trust and understanding on different levels of our societies to overcome. The greatest of those (including the climate emergency, humanitarian crises, widespread pollution, erosion of values, overpopulation, depletion of natural resources, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, rise of extremism, deep inequality, isolationist tendencies and uncertainty of technological and scientific progress - among big geopolitics and other 'force majeure' events such as asteroids flying by from space) are the tests not only to our business acumen or local and national societies, but also to us all as Humanity. 

But the opportunities are equally great, and as the successful history of our species shows we are usually able to get to safe lands, even if sometimes this may be preceded with turbulent years of clumsily searching for the best path to safe destination. New lands (planets!), business deals, scientific discoveries (in neuroscience, physics of small and large, chemistry, biology and numerous other domains), clean energy, transport, manufacturing and other fantastic technical progress (quantum computing, AI, automation, personal computing), spiritual growth, social and medical breakthroughs are awaiting for us.

So let us hope that with kindness, optimism, enthusiasm and willingness to diligently and honestly work (together!) towards things that are important to us - individually and collectively - we will succeed in everything we set our eyes (and focus our minds) on. 

To that I wish us all a lot of Passion, Good Energy, Wisdom, Compassion and Kindness - with Good Luck and Excellent Health to match - in the 2020s. Let's be good to ourselves and others, and work together to make a positive difference. May this be the best Decade yet for us all, in business, private lives and as human societies!

Happy New Year to you All, whoever you are, whatever you hold dear, believe in, dream of, and wherever you are in the World.

Good luck and best regards :)


Well said my friend! Here’s to a great 2020!



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