QLA Devotees/Mentees:
Listen to this 2 min https://youtu.be/ifd1cdi4zgi before you read, or before you decide not to read my New Year message! But listen at your own peril – because these two mins will change your life and the lives of your loved ones forever, if you follow the steps outlined – either way you have nothing to lose, but 2 mins! I guarantee it!
Warning: you should reach out to your own legal and accounting professionals, before going beyond this point – and again after you read it thoroughly!
If you decide to read below remember: it is merely a 71 year old man’s opinion; that has personally lived in the eye of the tiger for more than 50 years; is a vet who served his country proudly; met 5 US Presidents (with Trump) & 5 Secretaries of State; who has met, been mentored and coached by some of the great business luminaries of the past 50 years; raised by a nurturing/loving Mom & super hero kick ass alpha male Dad who served proudly in two wars and invented tough love; amassed significant personal wealth living in a 15th century story book castle; but more importantly created equity/value with countless kids just like you of at least $50 billion with the 7 step proven QLA model!
In addition, if you decide to read below – know 99.99% of all around the world that have benefited from QLA, I have never met, nor would I know them if they stood before me! Plus, they never attended a QLA seminar! They benefited because they used my “free QLA content†that permeates the net! The diff is they did what I have preached for more than 23 years – just fucking do it – in truth I have said this since I entered the military in 1966 – learning how to - run towards the gun fire & kill everything! Yeah, the diff is, they pulled their fingers out of their sorry asses and took fucking action! Unlike most of you – they did something, even if it was wrong, knowing worse case - no 1 was going to die! They took a risk! They acted as if they had no limits to their abilities!
Some of you will decide not to read below! And I’m ok, you’re ok - as they used to say in the late 60’s! Be my guest and go listen to some half-assed pod by some fucking idiot that doesn’t have a pot to piss in, or window to throw it out! Let some moron say it is easy to create wealth – or funnier yet, wealth doesn’t matter - LOL! And have a great fucking 2017! Based on your 2016, the chances of that happening are pretty fucking slim! LOL! And don’t write me crap in response – do us both a favor and just unsubscribe! Or even more ludicrous - read a few more books, as many of you have! Hell, I have wannabees that have read 600 – 700 books, telling them how to, etc.! WTF! Ya & they are all still broke! But if you are deadly serious about creating wealth to pursue your dreams & are not following QLA/Dan Pena, you are delusional beyond help! And there are several other guys/gals that can ostensibly make you happy and feel good – NOT ME!
Instead of the year end goodie goodie horseshit most write – I am writing you the brutal fucking truth – why you’re where you are – but I am going to, unlike others, give you a real life solution! Some of the pundits and know it all’s, will say my message is self-serving, etc.! Hell, I thought years ago, when I stopped selling QLA product – giving it all away free – it would shut the morons up! But instead, you have attributed some other foul and odious reasons for my actions! Instead of saying, thank you very much Dan and going down the road with the free QLA info to use to create wealth – instead you try and figure out, if I created $150 million or $500 million, while building Great Western Resources! WTF! What does it matter – it is more than you poor fucks have ever seen, nor do you even know of any 1 that is coaching, you melon heads, that has achieved any comparable success! Or as mentee Bruce Whipple has said for many years – there is a reason Dan has lived in a castle for more than 30 years! Shit, QLA has worked with kids of 80 to 180 IQ! Yet you still whine and look for my Achilles heel - LOL! Well keep looking and wasting even more of your lives! But because it is holiday time, I am going to be relatively kind to you in this writing! LOL! But truth is, you need and deserve a verbal beating – the beat down you didn’t get growing up!
I decided to write this message of hope the 23rd of Dec, just after my daughter arrived for Christmas, in between free zoom calls with QLA mentees! And I still had 5 more zoom calls before the New Year, not counting miscellaneous calls and a few SkypeFuck meets! WTF were you doing? Chilling? Hanging? Relaxing? In case you didn’t hear the news, Trump met thru Christmas (and beyond) on government business, etc.! Hell, most hi performers I ever met, or heard of, are doing the same! So you go right ahead and chill! Why don’t you just chill the rest of your life! At least if you continue to chill – you will not have to change your miserable poor habits! You might not even need air con - LOL! In case you didn’t know creating wealth is a “fucking war†and with only a few exceptions (1 being WW1 1914) since the beginning of time, have warriors taken off for holidays!
The castle/estate took almost a week to fully decorate! My daughter still looks at Guthrie, Scotland, as the place of her birth and home! Although I must admit, as I told a zoom call to mentees today, I already miss the hardcore kids from last year that were here from Christmas Eve thru 3rd of Jan! WTF! I could of given most of you reading this message now, a seminar “fucking free†over Christmas/New Year and you would of found reasons not to come! WTF! And you BS yourself, you want more out of life, to fulfill your dreams! The truth is you want your dreams to happen, only if it is easy https://youtu.be/tt4jrorzyt4 yet you continue to BS yourself! Ask yourself why?
In addition, to this message, I also said, on many you tubes since the USA election, my unabated feelings referring to the 8th of November election day – “Trump winning was the beginning of the greatest economic cycle we have ever had, since the end of WW2!†This will be very easy to judge kids! I will either be fucking right or wrong! It will be up to you “google fucks†to track me down like a dog, etc.! When I am right, you will all forget, or say I was merely lucky! Except for a few that actually follow QLA that will continue to hold me in high esteem and continue to build wealth!
FYI: long term (2003) QLA mentee Dan Lok, recently on cover (photo below) of “JetSet magazine†has been loyal devotee/mentee for many years, but like many has pivoted his own model a few times! He has spread the QLA word, as have a few others like Brian “QLA†Rose, in recent years! Of course, there are several QLA mentee/devotees around the world after 23 years of coaching QLA! In fact, there are many coaching their own rendition of QLA, with varying degrees of hi performance success! The operative words – hi performance success! Dan Lok, with my permission, put my free QLA product online, thus making it much easier for you lazy fucks to find my content! Of course, you lazy bastards would rather have Lok just come and do your deals for you! LOL! And better yet, you would rather want me to do your deals – LOL!
I have been saying – over and over - ever since Trump won on Nov 8 – the world had changed & not many would be remotely ready, let alone prepared – of course I was 1 of the 1st to endorse him about a yr ago! I am sticking my neck way out kids! QLA is the only already proven system to create wealth in a Trump era! Why am I sticking my neck out? Not just because I have a pair – but hi performers go all in, on everything they do! Trump and Muhammad Ali, are two great examples I can think of in recent memory! Both called their outcomes boldly – as do I! Recall Muhammad saying – I am the greatest! And to refresh all you Dan Pena historians vis-à -vis my history - the Trump election call (Feb 2016) was only 1 of several correct calls, I have made in my long career! FYI: called major crude oil price turns twice, 1986 and 2014; currencies twice, 1985 and 2014; interest rates vs massive USA debt a few times - in early 70’s, mid 80’s, late 80’s, early 90’s up until now; Brexit 2015; and perhaps 1 of my greatest calls of my 50 yrs, the new USA/Russian era; plus several others! What have you & your pod geniuses done?
I am not the only guy who figured this stuff out – but I am 1 of the few who took action and either directly profited, and or didn’t lose money, by pulling the trigger! And now, so far I have been 100% right, referring to Trump – with Mad Dog Mattis, Carrier, Boeing and Lockheed deals to name 4 and he is not in office yet! Of course, there will be corrections in the markets (nothing goes straight up), but short of a war with Russia, global water levels rising 30 ft, or interest rates go up higher than historic levels (to teens for prime, labor, base) we are in for a historically positive experience, they will be writing about for a hundred fucking years! But having written this, I know with 100% certainty, even with a guarantee from God himself – most of you will sit with your fingers up your asses the remaining years of your lives! You can ask your parents why, or why not?
And even if these 3, highly unlikely, scenarios occur – so fucking what – and I don’t say this lightly for a moment! If all-out war breaks out with Russia (worst possibility), it could be the end of the world as we know it, though not likely but possible – so why not be as wealthy as we can, to deal with the many injustices that will happen - so we can protect our families, etc.? Or, if global warming is for real (which I don’t believe) it will take many years for much of the world to be under water – so again, why not be as wealthy as we can to deal with the many hardships that will prevail and perhaps even stop global warming? And if the most likely of the 3 scenarios takes place, with interest rates going back to more normal levels – it will be years and again why not build as much wealth now, with the current atmosphere of (almost) free money? Interest rates have been extremely low for almost a decade and WTF have you been doing? Hence, when interest rates go back to historic levels you can do the same – fuck all nothing! Ask yourself - how long have you been reading/following QLA! And WTF, if anything, have you done to really change your current life? Whose fucking fault is this - mine? Who the fuck are you kidding? LOL!
Most that may have read this far will do nothing – just like you have done all your miserable fucking lives, meaning taking no action – not pulling the trigger - playing not to lose, rather than playing to win! People often ask me what does – just fucking do it really mean? Well merely look at what Trump is doing w/o even being in office yet? As Trump told HRC – you should be ashamed, of your lack of action! What are you going to tell your kids, or grandkids, when they ask – what did you do during the years of free money?
Of course, you will rationalize your actions, or lack thereof – just like you always have – because it is much easier to justify being average, or better put – mediocre – than why you’re not a high performance success! As I have told seminar attendees for more than 23 years and any one that would listen the last 50 years – we were not born average! We were made this way - by guess whom?
And of course, I love being right, but more importantly for those that take advantage of this once/twice in a life time Trump era – they will have the opportunity, potentially to make wealth beyond their pea brain comprehension! Plus, selfishly this is my vehicle to be “the (at least) $100 billion man†and higher! WTF! So I do have an alternative reason/motive – LOL! But unlike most selfish motives – you benefit from mine! WTF! It is a no brainer, even for you kids! Pull the fucking trigger & keep pulling it, time after time! Deal, after deal, after deal!
I am so happy, I don’t know whether to shit or go blind! LOL! I believe my miracle 2nd total knee replacement (in 14 weeks) rehab recovery is directly related! As I teach/coach – the power/focus of the mind, following a simple process/system/model, is what makes QLA work! FYI: the golden rule for total knee replacement is – 120 degree range in a year! I am at 130 degrees in 8 days for my 2nd knee! WTF! Praise the Lord and pass the fucking ammo!
I wish and pray you muster up the conviction/courage, to take action with QLA free content, to fulfill your dreams! And remember the key to QLA is - unencumbered/non-leveraged free cash flow, must cover debt service! Hence, this is a very simple definition of what makes a deal, a deal! The #’s must work!
Heretofore, your deals didn’t work, because they weren’t fucking real deals kids! With all the miserable pods, books, webinars, you tubes, you have seen, or heard, you still would not know a real deal if it bit you in the ass! LOL! Of course, this is not fucking funny at all – it is a sad commentary on a purported entire PD/self-help industry – or at least the money creation portion of it! But go ahead & keep supporting a false premise – making you happy makes it easy to create wealth!
To Your Quantum Leap In Life and Business,
Dan Pe?a
P.S. Just saw “Killing Christ†on National Geographic! Having been rolled on a few times in my illustrious career, like the disciples did to Christ, I felt a kindred spirit! Hence, as I have said the most important person on your dream team is your chairman – so chose them wisely! (And don’t fucking write me about Christ - it’s only a metaphor!)
P.P.S. I have published and said this below many times in recent weeks, because it warrants it! When you (me) have developed a system/model/process that can work for an uneducated poverty stricken kid from a fucking shack – it deserves repetition:
And I know for a fact, most reading this didn’t come from a “run down shack†and yet you have done almost nothing, to enhance your position in life! Of course you have many excuses!
P.P.P.S. The last couple of years, I am often asked, if I plan on giving the QLA castle seminar for a while? Or more importantly, how much longer will I give seminars? And if I stop QLA seminars, will I continue the yearlong free mentorship, to those in the program? My answer is simple and straight forward! Though there are no guarantees, as long as I am healthy and there is a desire from you kids, to fulfill your dreams, I will continue to give you the QLA leadership, you so sorely need – but only one seminar at a time – I promise no more! If I stop having fun – I will immediately stop! So watch my site, to see if I am giving another castle QLA seminar and keep in touch with Winneke (winneke@guthriecastle.co.uk)! Though I am running out of parts of my body that can be replaced, as evidenced below, I am mentally as sharp as I ever have been, if not even more powerful! And as I have recently told “Mighty Joe Rogan†in my call out to him (& tweet @joerogan if you want this meet to happen!) - being “all you can be†can have consequences, as shown below on my own body, but I would not be the QLA man I am w/o pushing myself mentally and physically, beyond mere mortals! And at the end of the day – what differentiates me from the “other†so called coaches and mentors - is I give 1000% each and every fucking day I wake up, 10 – 12 hours daily 7/365, even at 71! Ergo: Dan Pe?a The $50 Billion Bionic Man!
Freight Manager | Business Development | Lead Generation
8 å¹´I live in a Country called Zimbabwe were interest rates are a minimum of 15 percent but which makes it even harder to succeed. I am inspired by Dan Pena and will win no matter the environment. Will update you with regards to my success so others can be inspired like I was
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8 å¹´Ahmed1343111@live.com email if you can advice me on making sales. Dan Pena thank you. #QLA
International Speaker & Resiliency Coach teaching Entrepreneurs personal development strategies to get back up & win!
8 å¹´Thank you for your wisdom. Happy 2017!