happy new 1461.world

happy new 1461.world

1/25 update best of weforum : ..education happiest ever movers

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dc jan 2020 -only once in2020 did washington dc discuss Q what if human worlds 2 existential problems are climate and trump-nationalist-fascists?; A answer usa can never help sustain humanity until its professors value POWER WITH not power over; tear up every mba curriculum if it is not audited exponentially (eg read gates1990s book on 7 year exponentials) as well as 90-day flows

26 jan 2021 now Question how adapt triple witching crisis of covid, climate, congress-beyond-fascism?--A OPTION 1 consider swiss mediation of engineering leaders such as merkel, jinping - and in may singapore/asean- extremely smart of schwab to have excluded english speaking leaders from lifetime updates until post-colonial humansai maps searched by younger half of world to whom sustainability's final exam is climactically being mediated by nature- hope to see united world of youth and old leaders at singapore may, g20 italy october, cop26 november, dubai biggest edu expo dec, and davosagenda jan 2022- does your place linkin to this magical human mystery tour thru 2021 most dangerous year humans faced to date

economistdiary.com & davosagenda.com run -reunited nations value sdg-youth's health and education rising exponentials > 90day monetary extraction; first 100 days while biden's usa decides if delinked from rest of world : switzerland uae (TU1, dec-expo) germany (TG1) ;; china(TC1) japan korea -singapore wef may and diaspora china-inspired asean; rome g20-glasgow cop26+tba- RUNvotes linkin-unwomens welcome [email protected] - FURTHER REF 10TH YEAR ADAM SMITH SCHOLARS JOURNAL ECONOMICS21; 38TH YEAR THE ECONOMIST'S 2025REPORT.COM EXP TIMELINES SDG GEN

1/25 13 schwab & jinping update 2017 vision discussion great segway to 13.45 al gurg dubai cares, fore unicef, fortier mcgill uni, qunta sabc - reimagine education so that 100% of children included in livelihoods- brilliant explanation of only 50% included currently

1/22 WRJ musk launches $100mn dollar beyond carbon prize

reporting bw: biden weeks: 1 -good talk, walk with WHO to come - 2 LINKED by weforum schwab's 5 leaders agendas 2021 DAVOSAGENDA 1 responsible business transformation:: 2 global governance:: 3 jobs for all:: 4tech for good ir4.0 #aiforgood::worldwide cooperation= multilateral 4.0 society5.0 share solutions at weforum uplink :: weforum highlights monday central euro time =ny+6 xi jinping 13.00cet; dubai cares change global edu 1.45 -related globaluni; edu4.0; eduskills;

geneva & moon climate's netherlands-austria rehearsals of road to cop26 glasgow biden week 40-42 [email protected] WASHINGTON DC whatsapp +1 240 316 8157 ADVANCE HUMAN LOT SMITHIAN Economist A B C D E F G H I J . U W X Y Z ==

hg wells said civilization is a race between education and catastrophe-

therefore i like listening to teachers inspiring youth but not the politics of teachers - ditto health servants, ditto clean energy innovators, ditto nutritious food suppliers, ditto community bankers, ditto mathematicians who design artificial intel- so this article aims to offer a calendar where practical people health the younger half of the world "as first sustainability generation" serve, action, learn converging on my family home town glasgow where - machines and economics began glasgow university 260 years ago -if you can contribute to a worldwide calendar of this kind please do- [email protected] - on saturday nov 6 the younger half of the world assembling at glasgow university union will help calendar 2022

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10 years ago we started a journal edited by adam smith and keynesian scholars -say if that's a medium you can help mediate; also we started a 4 year diary out of dc- we hoped so much the world would unite around youth as first sustainability generation the way the goals of the UN and pope francis recommended student years 2015-6 onwards - we'll rewind 1461.world starting 1/20/2021

- as a scot, glasgow only gets a once in a generation opportunity to stage an education event like cop26 - so this article will be biased in terms of 2021 calendar uniting youth's futures on the road and after as well as at cop26 where glasgow uni union hosts social all world youth day saturday 6 november - can you linkin UNWOMENS - [email protected] currently washington DC

ASTRA.CITY - first news come from india, and asia where two thirds of our species is mapping how to lead forward from covid and towards sdg orbits economistasia.net hoping that us new president admin biden/harris will lead world to understanding that education not economists builds nations across generations - great to see india first to come up to pitch of next 1461 days -


EB feb 19 kamala harris alma mater- howard uni wash dc Re-Shaping a New US-Africa Policy and the Role of HBCUson Friday, February 19, 2021 -lso spring howard first historically black u to host clinton global


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no weforum at davos this january but still worth sharing intel from geneva- Read the articles that are trending within the Strategic Intelligence community related to the 250+ topics available at intelligence.weforum.org. How can we incentivise people to get vaccinated?

COVID-19 a year later: What have we learned? What Happens When You Get A COVID-19 Vaccine That Uses mRNA A matter of life and death: governments must speed up vaccination The priority for workplaces in the new normal? Wellbeing


 14th annual summit https://edleader.in updates nearly 100 year action learning curve of gandhi/montessori- education is how children can save world and community love builds nations

coordinator sunita gandhi india/usa


international participants at india's edlead include

spain marta vernert, service learning amerucan international scxhool barcelona

bangladesh raoman smita, youth advocate asean youth icon 2019

usa ny javeed mirza convenor indian organisations in usa, Jon Bergmann founder www flipped classroom movement,  mary and james pearce mastertrainers geti, sovalda ma'ani lawyer and founder center for peace and global governance, nyc Pandit Dasa wellbeing coach, teacher awardees : texas todd nesloney, Jennifer Nigh digital Learning A-Z, Thom Markham PBL global , Mariam Motamedi virtues coach, n.carolina Meg Hanshaw edsucation visionary

australia hazel tan monash university and former edutech officer singapore ministry education,Shan Ruprai, chairman austrailan institute of business development

singapore john yeo founder ed impact

south korea, rosalind sewo, director intl law dept of hwlp, west busan

samoa rasela tufue, associate professor, national university of samoa, Epnesa Esera education of university of samoa

belgium prof psychology and education vrije university, teachers without borders

afhganisan fatima haidari youth advocate

pakistan, Hina Adeeb Jawadni,, broadcast journalisr

bhutan, Tashi Chonjur, principal education officer , royal government of bhutan

nepal,Namita Ghimire asian woman icon awardee 2021

uk london  geeta kingdon chair education university college london,   eliabeth lucas, ,, andy harvey eal trainer, Neelam Parmar edtexch strategy, Dr James Shea education, university of berkshire

greece Evangelia Vasselikau educator awardee

finland Kirsti Lonka president teachers academy universtity of helsinki,  Mikko Korhonen education awardee, Irmeli Halinen former head curriculum development , finnish national agency of education, Marja-Leena Bilund teacher university of helsinki, Koivula Pirjo finnish national agency education

sweden Martin Richards cpcc teacher coach

indonesia Fadillah Mahilan Shelsa global law thinkers society

mexico, Ricardo Dominguez, pyp coordinator and quality systems

switzerland Dr Ruby Bakshi Khurdi emotional intelligence, 

iceland, Hanna Ragnarsdóttir, education professor university of iceland

kenya Charity Limboro professor tech in education, kenyatta university

new zealand, former english language professor, university of auckland

mauritius Ravin Souvendra Papiah , entrepreneur

kosovo, Enkeleda Lulaj, senator , university haxhi zeka 

sudan, Amel Salih Adam Mohamed, social worker and reformer

jordan/usa, Rana Dajani,Fullbright Fellow, Researcher, University of Iowa, Professor, Hashemite University

italy/portugal Meg Pagani, Forbes 30 under 30 Social Entrepreneur, Member, World Economic Forum's Global Shaper community

================================== 37 years ago we timelined why humanity would win or lose our species future realities and dreams by 2025 - while community based fintech, health-tech would be early tests- education transformation would determine all other possibilities- -click to download

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well, maybe we have to 2030 if and only if global trumpdom isn't what any parent really wanted

[email protected] --- wash dc whatsapp/wechat +1 240 316 8157

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asian roll of honor The Economist entrepreneurialrevolution.city year 46:

fazle abed

fei-fei li

von neumann

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WRJ GAMES -who's your world record jobs creator who

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CAS 2021 Opening Session headliners

The following government, business, and institutional leaders have confirmed their attendance at the CAS 2021 Opening Session:


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