Neo-learning: how might we ask ethical questions to co-create human-AI synergies to design a fair-free-flourishing future on a regenerating planet?

Neo-learning: how might we ask ethical questions to co-create human-AI synergies to design a fair-free-flourishing future on a regenerating planet?

Neo-learning orientation

Each neo-learning section begins with an ethical question. They are "micro-doses" for opening our minds about understanding the meaning and implications of the ethical questions about our future before co-creating generative-strategic dialogues about how to respond to them.

Working within rotating small discussion groups (Zoom or in-person), we can create ongoing learning communities to understand and address our complex entanglements of self-inflicted wicked problems. This small group process demands full presence, participation and attention to prevent passive learning, distractions, and multi-tasking on digital devices.

We can use AI to adjust this content of this newsletter and any AI outputs to graduate, 12th, 10th, and 6th grade reading. Click on any AI link to prepare for dialogues.

How might we emancipate education from reductionism to understand our wicked problems?

Wicked problems are complex because they have no single, simple, definitive, or final solutions, with no right-wrong answers.

We live in a reductionist era of managerial education that simplifies learning to the lowest common denominator that sets up systemic prejudices against a curiosity to inquiry, explore, and understand our complex entanglements of self-inflicted wicked problems.

This calls for an AI-enabled neo-learning revolution to co-elevate the numerator of cultivating higher levels of ontological, reflexivity, systems and complexity thinking to go beyond solving our wicked problems to design a fair-free-flourishing future on a regenerating planet.

AI-elaboration about the meaning and implications of these sentences.

We need to take time for slow thinking, self-reflection, and deep neo-learning to dialogue about the meaning and implications of ethical questions about our future.

Use AI to explore how we can use ethical questions to challenge and open our minds to new thinking, perspectives, insights, and understandings about how to design a fair-free-flourishing future on a regenerating planet.

Be open-minded in using AI-enabled neo-learning. Use any anti-AI bias constructively to discern the quality of its contents, without letting academic elitism and skeptical nihilism reject its outputs. Use AI as a peer mentor, muse, and research assistant companion who needs supervising. We can use AI to simplify complexity to different literacy levels in ways that elevate the nominator of comprehension.

AI-explanation about this headline question at graduate, 10th and 6th grade reading levels.

Let your curiosity and inquiring mind discover what AI offers. Rectify inaccuracies and weaknesses, and augment its strengths. Click on any AI links to enable our transformational neo-learning journeys together.

AI-exploration for deep learning at graduate, 10th and 6th grade reading levels.

How might we use a simple rule and meme for our clarion call to cultivate equity meta-governance?

We can use the Rhodium rule to cultivate equity meta-governance: co-create fair rules, fair plays, fair games, fair opportunities, and fair rewards to benefit all on a regenerating planet. This simple rule is:

“Be fair and kind to all people, Mother Earth, nature, animals, plants, and soil.”

The higher purpose calling of this simple rule is to mobilize and build momentum in galvanizing the relational network power of AI-enabled neo-learning needed to transform our mindsets and re-design our systems. We can use neo-learning to co-elevate our consciousness of using Pachamama and Gaia to regenerate our humanity and our planet.

This vision calls for setting up the Equity Moonshot mission: co-design and build an equitable, regenerative, and sustainable future.

The Rhodium rule and meta-governance meme call for co-creating human-AI synergies to develop the ethical integrity of our moral imaginations needed to unravel our ego-shadows and dark sides that set up our meta-crisis, poly-crisis and poly-collapse.

  • How might we adopt the meta-governance meme, “To Love, equity, and the pursuit of truth-seeking” and implement the Rhodium rule to cultivate equity meta-governance and launch Equity Moonshot story movement?


How might we cultivate ethical mindsets?

This aspiration calls for asking ethical questions to inquire, explore, and discover how to do good for all and the planet. This inquiry process involves self-reflection, slow thinking, and transformational learning to cultivate networks of ethical high-functioning, and empowering inter-personal relationships. We must develop multi-level mentoring, coaching, and peer coaching systems for this cause.

The ethical purpose of neo-learning is to challenge how we think and learn. It disrupts the traditional content process of educating and indoctrinating people on what to think and how to learn. This challenge calls for exploring our attitudes and resistance toward transforming learning processes: thinking and learning about how we think and learn.

A willingness to read and think slowly is essential for overcoming the limitations of fast thinking that expect instant clarity and comprehension. Collaborating within beloved neo-learning communities, we need to read and think slowly about the ethical questions so that we can dialogue about, understand, and address our wicked problems.

Wicked problems call for expanding our openness about how to embark on AI-enabled neo-learning journeys to solve them. A willingness to use AI and engage in learning challenges and deep inner work is essential.

This question calls for aligning our political, private, and public sectors to develop high-functioning, agile, and adaptive democracies.

  • How might we embark on lifelong intergenerational learning journeys to emancipate our ethical curiosity, inspire our moral imaginations, and collaborate on using human-AI synergies to co-create generative-strategic dialogue about how to design a fair-free-flourishing future on a regenerating planet?

AI-explanation about the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

Overview of ethical questions for our lifelong learning journeys

The following questions outline the inquiry process for our ethical learning journey.

Section A: Learn how to use AI

How might we use AI to:

  1. Explore and understand the limits of our thinking?
  2. Cultivate ontological and complexity thinking?
  3. Unleash neo-learning to emancipate indoctrination?
  4. Transform our dysfunctional academic systems to do good for all?
  5. Emancipate neo-learning to cultivate equity meta-governance?

Section B. Learn how to do good

How might we:

  1. Ethically co-elevate our noblest aspirations to serve our ultimate purpose?
  2. Unravel the unregulated perils of technocratic imperialism and utopian neo-liberalism to cultivate equity meta-governance
  3. Detox neo-liberal addiction?
  4. Usurp utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism?
  5. Cultivate equity meta-governance and overthrow techno feudalism?
  6. Enable AI-enabled neo-learning?
  7. Develop ethical curiosity about systemic re-design?
  8. Build ethical ecosystems of beloved neo-learning communities for equity meta-governance?
  9. Emancipate equity to liberate moral freedom for all?

Section C: Learn how to manage complexity

  1. Usurp our hierarchical reductionist, linear educational systems?
  2. Cultivate agile complex adaptive learning communities?
  3. Unravel the closed-mindedness of indoctrination to emancipate open-mindedness?
  4. Navigate complexity?

Section D: Learn how to redress what's not working

  1. Ethically discern the differences between indoctrination and emancipation about the role of equity in politics?
  2. Understand our inept, decrepit democracy failing to serve we, the people?
  3. Recognize the Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis?
  4. Redress the neo-terrorist indoctrination of turning words into weapons?
  5. Mobilize ethical think tanks to deconstruct the alt-right propaganda machines?
  6. Understand how corrupt democracy degenerated into a dysfunctional duolopy?
  7. Bend our dystopian arc toward a living utopia?
  8. How might we awaken voters?

Section A: Learn how to use AI

How might we use AI to explore and understand the limits of our thinking?

Ethical questions make you stop and think about their meaning and implications. The neo-learning process of co-creating AI-human synergies enables exploring complex questions.

The neo-learning process of co-creating AI-human synergies enables exploring complex questions. AI-enabled neo-learning empowers the development of ontological sophistication and complexity thinking for transforming mindsets and systems needed to understand and address our wicked problems.

AI-simplification to 10th and 6th grade reading levels.

AI-exploration about the meaning and implications of these sentences.

  • How might we cultivate human-AI neo-learning to solve our wicked problems?

AI-summary of elaboration.

A2. How might we use AI to cultivate ontological and complexity thinking?

AI-enabled neo-learning enables the development of ontological sophistication and complexity thinking for transforming mindsets and systems needed to understand our wicked problems.

  • How might we, as complexity scholars, researchers, and educators, overcome our academic elitism and psychological naivety about the ontological complexities of enabling learners to learn how to understand our complex entanglements of self-inflicted wicked problems?

AI-exploration about the meaning and implication of this question.

  • How might we develop our intra-personal and inter-personal learning processes to enhance our sophistication levels of ontological and complexity thinking to collaborate on managing our wicked problems?

AI-exploration about the meaning and implication of this question.

A3. How might we use AI to unleash neo-learning to emancipate indoctrination?

AI-enabled neo-learning is an innovative approach to co-create human-AI synergies for our lifelong intergenerational learning journeys of collaborative and transformational experiences. Our neo-learning journeys involve developing self-awareness, self-reflection, slow thinking, meta-thinking, meta-cognition, meta-learning, cultural and moral humility skills, and reflexivity skills to co-create generative-strategic dialogues and building beloved transformational learning communities to design a fair-free-flourishing future on a regenerating planet.

AI-enabled neo-learning enables us to expand our inquiry capabilities and capacities to explore and understand the meaning of ethical questions and muse over unraveling the complex interdependencies and interconnectedness of our wicked problems.

  • How might we liberate emancipation to enable learners to discern the cult downsides of cultural, political, religious, educational, and social indoctrination that prevent us from solving our self-inflicted wicked problems?

AI-explanation about the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

A4. How might we use AI to transform our dysfunctional academic systems to do good for all?

Without a collective understanding of wicked problems, we remain victims of our own thinking and doing, without understanding the indigenous wisdom of Pachamama and the modern wisdom of Gaia.

Within the walls of elite academia, we effectively remain paralyzed state of Brownian motion, focusing on self-centered pursuits of individual achievements, not societal impact. Kudos go to impact factors that emphasize individual contributions based on peer recognition.

AI-exploration about the meaning and implications of this paragraph

This disintegrated state calls for a transformational and systemic revolution of academics and academic systems severely handicapped by the reductionism of cult individualism. We put our professional and organizational brands above the higher causes of serving humanity and our planet. The ego shadows of academics and academic systems lack the moral imagination and courage to open our minds beyond our myopic vision.

AI-explores the implications of this paragraph.

This vision for lifelong intergenerational learning, based on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) and digital transformation, calls for deconstructing and reconstructing our dysfunctional academic, educational, and technocratic entrepreneurial systems failing to serve our humanity and planet.

AI-exploration about the meaning and implications of this paragraph.

This calls for breaking free from this Brownian motion of low societal impact to galvanizing the relational network power of our interconnectedness to do good for the commons, humanity, the common good, and the well-being of all life, and regenerate Mother Earth.

AI-explores the implications of this paragraph.

  • How might we cultivate AI-enabled neo-learning systems to align collective understanding of our wicked problems and put a premium of collaboration on social impact that integrates team achievements in service of responding to the ultimate quest facing our humanity and planet?

AI-explanation to understand the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

A5. How might we use AI to emancipate neo-learning to cultivate equity meta-governance?

AI-enabled neo-learning overcomes the indoctrinating pedagogy of colonial education, business training programs, and executive and corporate leadership coaching programs that market a high value on simple, clear, and comprehensible writing that risks reinforcing reductionist thinking and anti-intellectual biases against understanding complexity needed to unravel our self-inflicted wicked problems.

  • How might we use ethical questions and AI-enabled neo-learning to redress the educational perils of pedagogical reductionism that cause and make our wicked problems worse?

AI-exploration about the meaning and implication of this question.

Neo-learning is an anti-colonial learner-centered emancipation process of developing self-generating, self-organizing, and self-governing lifelong intergenerational learning communities to cultivate equity meta-governance.

AI-enabled neo-learning is based on seamlessly integrating learner-centered pedagogy into andragogy based on emancipating learners (and not indoctrinating them against complexity thinking) on how to launch the Equity Moonshot story movement.

  • How might we cultivate collaborative neo-learning communities using Socratic ethical questions, group-centered facilitation processes, and ethical guides-on-the-stages and moral sages-on-the-side to co-create generative-strategic dialogues to cultivate equity meta-governance and launch Equity Moonshot story movement?

AI-explanation about the meaning and implications of this question (with 10th and 6th grade levels deep learning.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

Section B. Learn how to do good

B1. How might we ethically co-elevate our noblest aspirations to serve our ultimate purpose?

The trifecta question addresses three interconnected challenges facing humanity and the planet, calling for transformative learning and transformational governance.

How might we embark on our lifelong learning journeys of ethical emancipation, align our mindsets, and co-elevate our humanity to:

  • Cultivate equity meta-governance: co-create fair rules, fair plays, fair games, fair opportunities, and fair rewards to benefit all on a regenerating planet?
  • Launch Equity Moonshot: co-design and build an equitable, regenerative, and sustainable future?
  • Manage our meta-crisis: redress our systemic power abuse dynamics that sets up our poly-crisis of wicked problems, and our impeding poly-collapse from living beyond planetary boundaries?

Our ultimate journeys of ethical emancipation align our mindsets to co-elevate our humanity to serve our highest calling.

  • How might we co-elevate our noblest aspirations to serve our ultimate purpose: embark on our emancipation journeys of co-elevating our collective ethical consciousness to regenerate our humanity and planet?

AI-explanation about the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

B2. How might we unravel the unregulated perils of technocratic imperialism and utopian neo-liberalism to cultivate equity meta-governance?

Emancipate AI-enabled neo-learning

AI-enabled neo-learning is a new emancipation paradigm to enable us to understand and redress our wicked problems, such as systemic inequities driven by the maniacal hubris of the neo-liberal billionaire technocratic class of deluded saviors.

The ego-shadows of elite saviors have traits of the Asocial Leadership Personality Disorder to varying degrees. The character flaws that loosely bind this elite band of billionaire opportunistic bros together include pathological megalomania, malignant narcissism, autocratic authoritarianism, psychopathic streaks, and sadistic impulses.

Watch the Walter Issacson interview with Palantir Co-Founder Joe Lonsdale on Trump, Musk, and a New Vision for America.

This interview provides an insight into the "know it all" billionaire hyper-bravado and a snapshot into the hubris of technocratic imperialism and utopian neo-liberalism that shows no signs of moral and cultural humility.

These opportunistic saviors are ethically udderless, without a moral compass navigating aimlessly in the sea of equity meta-governance. They rant the mantra of free speech to justify their absolute libertarian fundamentalism. Their unaccountable liberty of free speech enables the alt-right political playbook of neo-terrorism.

Neo-terrorism is the propaganda war of words with psychopathic disregard for the integrity of truth-seeking and transparent accountability. Neo-terrorists play to win at any cost with no mercy or ethical fibers. Anything goes to exploit people, opportunities, and the planet.

Utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism (UNTI) lets the dark sides of neo-terrorism run freely amok.

AI-explanation about the meaning and implications of perspectives of UNTI.

These myopic morally handicapped savants do not put a top priority on long-term investing in social and moral capital to do good for the commons, humanity, the common good, and the well-being of all life, and regenerate Mother Earth.

The right-wing billionaire elite has launched an anti-woke class war of identity politics against DEI elites. They have scapegoated DEI and turned it into a modern-day Salem Witch hunt. This witch hunt enables the escalation of inequities to serve their elite interest to disadvantage working families.

These billionaire bros boldly proclaim know how to drain the swamp and fix our corrupt crony democracy that they helped to create. This is like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.

  • How do US technocratic billionaire savants (such as Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerman, and Jon Lonsdale) enable the social media plague of disinformation undermining democracy?

AI-explanation about meaning and implications of this question.

B3. How do we detox neo-liberal addiction?

Utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism has an addiction to the super-concentration of power and wealth. This compulsive addiction is creating an amoral-immoral black hole that risks consuming our humanity and our planet.

The neo-learning paradigm of emancipation from cult indoctrination combines the development of ethical discernment, transformational learning, and collaborative problem-solving with co-creating human-AI synergies to cultivate equity meta-governance and launch the Equity Moonshot story movement.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

B4. How might we, the people, use AI-enabled neo-learning to usurp utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism?

The ultimate immoral marketing con game of techno-feudal neo-terrorism keeps the unwoke as subservient lackeys to the elite self-serving cause of plutocratic supremacy and utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism.

AI-elaboration and the meaning and implications of this sentence with these follow-up questions.

  • How does the fusion of technological advancements and capitalist neo-liberal logic contribute to the rise of utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism and techno-feudalism?
  • How are utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism and techno-feudalism over digital spaces and data similar to and different from traditional neoliberal capitalism and the means of production over the working class?
  • How do plutocratic supremacy and utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism collude in inducing the fool-aid cult trance and mass psychosis of techno-feudalism?
  • How do plutocratic supremacy and utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism bombard social media with misinformation and disinformation to collude in escalating political, economic, social, educational, and environmental inequities?
  • How might we use the example of the 1381 peasant revolt to overthrow plutocratic supremacy and utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism?
  • How might we use AI-enabled neo-learning to usurp the exploitation of private data and mass surveillance of people to overthrow the tyrannical power of utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism over techno-feudalism?

B5. How might we, the people, use AI-enabled neo-learning to cultivate equity meta-governance and overthrow techno feudalism?

AI has no virtues. Humans can ethically design AI to be virtuous (or otherwise). Humans are better at asking questions about our utopian neoliberal technocratic imperialism and state of techno feudalism than AI. We can develop neo-learning skills and ask ethical questions about how to co-create human-AI synergies for cultivating equity meta-governance.

Equity meta-governance is the antidote to technocratic imperialism and utopian neo-liberalism and their anti-woke class war of identity politics against D.E.I.

  • How might we emancipate AI-enabled neo-learning and develop ethical discernment to cultivate equity meta-governance, launch Equity Moonshot, and solve our self-inflicted wicked problems?

AI-explanation to understand meaning and implication of this question.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

B6. How might we use AI ethics to do good?

Human can design and use AI technology and social media for good, bad, and ugly purposes. This raises a philosophical question about whether technology is ethically neutral.

Use this AI link to explore the affirmations and refutation of this question.

  • How might we empower learners to pose ethical questions, co-create human-AI synergies, and use AI-generated graphics to evoke new thoughts, feelings, associations, and insights about how to open, inspire, and align our mindsets to cultivate equity meta-governance, launch the Equity Moonshot story movement and solve our wicked problems?

AI explanation to understand meaning and implication of this question.

To prevent AI Overlords from perverting the good of AI, we need a pre-emptive 1381 Peasant Revolt against the rising tide of technocratic imperialism and techno-feudalism.

  • How might we co-create the good of AI-enabled neo-learning processes to cultivate equity meta-governance and use the light of our ethical discernment, moral imagination, and virtuous actions to rectify our ego shadows, illuminate our dark sides, and redress its negative and distorted biases?

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

B7. How might we develop an ethical curiosity about systemic re-design?

Ethical discernment is the curious philosophical process of asking questions about developing and applying moral principles that ensure right from wrong conduct. Morality enables the right intentions, wise decisions, and virtuous actions and minimizes the wrong ones that harm.

The AI-enabled neo-learning inquiry process calls for asking ethical questions and co-creating beloved learning communities to dialogue their meaning and implications. These questions focus on transformational foresight mindset development for ethical systemic re-design. These questions expose how neoliberalism, corporations, marketing propaganda, and advertising revenues exploit the cult indoctrination processes of emotional near-sightedness, attention manipulation, and dopamine addiction to jeopardize our future.

How might we collaborative neo-learning involves us sharing our self-reflections, expanding our open-mindedness, and enhancing our awareness about how our emotional near-sightedness, the blind spots of biases, our ego shadows, and dark sides sabotage our abilities to develop the transformational mindset foresight needed to co-design a fair, free, flourishing future on a healthy planet.

  • How might we cultivate ethical discernment to develop transformational foresight mindsets?

AI-explanation to understand the meaning and implication of this question.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

B8. How might we build ethical ecosystems of beloved neo-learning communities for equity meta-governance?

Beloved neo-learning communities explore the ethical purpose of cultivating equity meta-governance. This exploration challenges us to discover how our political and educational systems have indoctrinated us with a lack of governance over liberty and freedom that undermines equality and escalates inequities.

By integrating ethical questioning about relational power dynamics of equity and a moral understanding of freedom, neo-learning communities enable us to co-create equitable ecosystems that empower collaborative learning, critical thinking, truth-seeking, and transparent accountability.

  • How might we, the people, use ethical questions to build ecosystems of beloved neo-learning communities that generate the relational network power to overcome our cult reductionist fixation on the value of freedom that blinds us to its dark sides, and expand our consciousness about the ethical meaning and emancipation implications of equity meta-governance?

AI-explanation to understand the meaning and implication of this question.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

B9. How might we emancipate equity to liberate moral freedom for all?

The complex inquiry explores the intersection of ethics, equity, freedom, liberty, and justice within the beloved context of transformational neo-learning communities. We harness the collective wisdom of cultivating equity meta-governance to navigate the moral ambiguities of liberty and freedom.

  • How might we emancipate equity, the inclusive virtue of fairness and kindness, to liberate us from the perils of freedom: the moral-amoral-immoral value that includes the good, the bad, and the ugly?

AI-explanation to understand the meaning and implication of this question.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

Section C: Learn about managing complexity

C1. How might we usurp our hierarchical reductionist linear educational systems?

We focus too much on expert content curation on what to think and do: the world of sages-on-the-stage, cult influencers, and marketing mavericks monopolizing our attention and rendering us reactive passive learners, incapable of solving wicked problems.

  • How might we move beyond our colonial hierarchical reductionist, linear educational systems of superficial content pedagogy that indoctrinate, damage, and disable learners from understanding and addressing our wicked problems?

AI-exploration about the meaning and implications of this question.

C2. How might we cultivate agile, complex adaptive learning communities?

We focus much less on the complexities of our intrapersonal dynamics and our interpersonal relational processes of co-creating generative and strategic dialogues to improvise and innovate on solving our wicked problems.

  • How might we launch an AI-enabled neo-learning revolution to cultivate non-linear, dynamic emergent beloved communities guided by equity meta-governance and the deep inquiry process of emancipating learners to become open-minded, truth-seeking, free thinkers collaborating to solve our wicked problems?

AI-exploration about the meaning and implications of this question.

C3. How might we unravel the closed-mindedness of indoctrination to emancipate open-mindedness?

We live in an indoctrinating world of identity politics and religious fundamentalism, dysfunctional polarizations, divisive toxicities, fragmentation, atomization, and alienation. The elite "woke" and populist "unwoke" lack self-awareness and mutual understanding to varying degrees,

In effect, we alienate ourselves and each other to varying degrees. These conflicting factors collude to sabotage our collective efforts to redress this dire state of indoctrination and alienation

  • How might we co-create catalytic innovations and solutions to unravel the closed-mindedness of indoctrination and emancipate our open-mindedness to serve the greater good and solve our wicked problems?

AI exploration about the meaning and implications of this question.

C4. How might we navigate complexity?

Navigating our complex, interconnected world to cultivate equity meta-governance is the monumental challenge of our time. The multifaceted demands of this challenge call for developing a broad array of skills to address this question.

  • How might we learn to contemplate and make sense of complexity, uncertainty, ambiguities, dilemmas, the dialectics of polarities, and our vulnerabilities of living in our messy world of multi-polarities?

AI-exploration about the meaning and implications of this question.

Section D: Learn how to redress what's not working

D1. How might we ethically discern the differences between indoctrination and emancipation about the role of equity in politics?

The demise and degradation of US democracy have global cascade effects around the world. Understanding this phenomenon is essential for developing high-functioning, agile, adaptive, and participatory democracies.

Political and ethical think tanks differ in how they use indoctrination and emancipation. Political think tanks, such as the Heritage Foundation and its Project 2025, are about the manipulation of indoctrinating people into extreme religious cult thinking.

The USA is the land of pseudo-liberty, based on the perverted individual values of moral, amoral, and moral freedom: the good, bad, and the ugly. The permissiveness of pseudo-liberty enables irresponsible freedom to go unchecked.

Irresponsible freedom enables a no-constraint cult that allows psychopathic behaviors to go unaccountable to ethical norms. Pseudo-liberty is a neo-terrorist magnet for politicians with Asocial Leadership Personality Disorder (ALPD). Pseudo-liberty corrupts democracy to its inner core.

  • How might we deconstruct neo-terrorism to repair our inept, decrepit democracy?

AI-explanation about the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-elaboration for deep learning

D2. How might we shift from mind indoctrination to soul emancipation?

AI-enabled neo-learning is an inquiry-driven paradigm process that expands beyond our managerial mass indoctrination of content (what to think and learn) to the emancipation of collaborative and transformational learning: thinking about how we think (meta-cognition) and learn (meta-learning) about equity meta-governance, Equity Moonshot, and wicked problems.?This calls for emancipating equality and equity to liberate moral freedom for all.

  • How might we shift beyond the religious and political propaganda cults of indoctrination to cultures of emancipators and open-minded curiosity about how the virtue of equity liberates moral freedom for all?

AI-explanation to understand meaning and implication of this question.

AI-elaboration to learn more.

D3. How might we understand our inept, decrepit democracy failing to serve we, the people?

The demise and degradation of US democracy have global cascade effects around the world. Understanding this phenomenon is essential for developing high-functioning, agile, adaptive, and participatory democracies.

Political and ethical think tanks differ in how they use indoctrination and emancipation. Political think tanks, such as the Heritage Foundation and its Project 2025, are about the manipulation of indoctrinating people into extreme religious cult thinking.?

The USA is the land of pseudo-liberty, based on the perverted individual values of moral, amoral, and moral freedom: the good, bad, and the ugly. The permissiveness of pseudo-liberty enables irresponsible freedom to go unchecked.

Irresponsible freedom enables a no-constraint cult that allows psychopathic behaviors to go unaccountable to ethical norms. Pseudo-liberty is a neo-terrorist magnet for politicians with Asocial Leadership Personality Disorder (ALPD). Pseudo-liberty corrupts democracy to its inner core.?

The neo-terrorist character flaws of ALPD include pathological megalomania, malignant narcissism, incessant psychopathy, autocratic authoritarianism, and sadistic impulses.

  • How might we deconstruct neo-terrorism to repair our inept, decrepit democracy?

AI-explanation?about the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-elaboration?for deep learning

D4. How might we understand the Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis?

The alt-right neo-terrorist propaganda machines, such as Fox News and its litany of accomplices, propagate and thrive on their fool-aid conspiracies, such as the BIG LIE, to induce the cult trance of the Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis. These propagandists are the unpatriotic anti-heroes masquerading as heroic patriots: the ultimate marketing con game.

The USA is the cult land of mass and social media that enables the collusion of religious and political fundamentalist indoctrination. These extremist cults thrive on neo-terrorism to create factious conspiracies to sell their fool-aid.

Elections become propaganda wars: a race to the bottom of who can discredit, devalue, deparage, denigrate, ridicule, smear, and scapegoat their opponents the best. This fear-anger-rage-hate fest is the battle over manipulating emotional gut reactions that bear little to no relationship to deep thinking about policy issues.

Alt-right propaganda marketing machines are amoral and immoral cancers on the souls of citizens. Citizens forfeit their soul to become pawns, puppets, parrots and pit bulls to these propaganda machines.

  • How did the alt-right propaganda machines indoctrinate the Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis of the BIG LIE and incite the January 6th insurrection?

AI-explanation about the meaning and implications of this question: using 4 different AIs

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

D5. How does neo-terrorist indoctrination turn words into weapons?

Words become weapons of political, religious, and social destruction. Propagandists pervert the meaning of words. They flip virtues into flaws, and flaws into virtues. Fairness becomes unfair, and vice versa.

The word equity has fallen victim to the cancel culture war of identity politics. This calls for unlearning indoctrination, emancipating ourselves from the propaganda of neo-terrorism, and re-learning the original meaning of equity, the virtue of fairness.

  • How might we weave ethical fibers together to co-create moral tapestries for cultivating the mycelium networks of virtuous eco-systems to prevent the indoctrination of neoliberalism, the plutocracy of the billionaire class, technocratic imperialism, techno-feudalism, and neo-terrorism from subverting, sabotaging, and destroying our democracies?

AI-explanation about the meaning and implications of this question: using 4 different AIs

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

D6. How might we mobilize ethical think tanks to deconstruct the alt-right propaganda machines?

Ethical think-tanks are about the integrity of emancipating people to become open-minded, truth-seeking, virtuous free-thinkers collaborating in addressing ethical questions about our ultimate purpose.

Our ultimate journeys of emancipation align our mindsets and co-elevate our humanity to serve our highest calling.

  • How might we co-elevate our noblest aspirations to serve our ultimate purpose: embark on our emancipation journeys of co-elevating our collective ethical consciousness to regenerate our humanity and planet?

Use this?AI link?to explore the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

D7. How did our corrupt democracy degenerate into a dysfunctional duolopy?

The US republic is deficient in its ethical integrity to truth-seeking and transparent accountability, along with its fiduciary responsibilities to serve the public. It has taken decades of systemic political corruption to elect a convicted felon as president.

Our moribund democracy is code red. It is incapable of healing itself of its immorality and its moral hypocrisies. Democracy has devolved into a dysfunctional duolopy to serve plutocracy. Citizens and voters have no influence over our democracy in shaping public policy.

Our corrupt crony democracy and its immoral neoliberal accomplice collude as a degenerative folie-à deux driven by the character flaws of ALPD. This sets up our dysfunctional duolopy to escalate inequities to favor the elites and disadvantage working families.

The extractive and exploitive neo-liberal systems degenerate our humanity and our planet. Technocratic corporatoacracy and asocial media destroy social capital.?This is a sad and tragic indictment of our inept democracy.

  • Why do voters have no influence over US public policy development?

AI link to elaborate on the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-elaboration on the meaning and implications of this question.

D8. How might we bend our dystopian arc toward a living utopia?

This inquiry delves into the transformative potential of ethical questions and collaborative learning to build neo-learning ecosystems to address this question

  • How might we bend our dystopian arc of cult indoctrinations driven by our conflicting value systems toward a living utopia of cultural emancipation guided by a constellation of virtues?

AI-explanation to understand the meaning and implication of this question.

AI-elaboration for deep learning.

D9. How might we awaken voters to truth-seeking?

  • How might we, the people, wake up voters and non-voting citizens to the dire state of profound political corruption and make the campaign "Fix Democracy" the lead election issue in 2026 and 2028 to redress escalating inequities and Make America Truthful Again?

AI elaboration to learn more.

Continue transformational learning journeys

Neo-learning sections

Each section has a series of neo-learning modules, each with an ethical question for embarking on our lifelong learning emancipation journeys to;

Introductory modules (1-21)

Section I: Explore the meaning of equity (19 modules)

E. Ethical quest for equity

F. Share our BIPID stories

G. Create a shared understanding of equity

Section II: Enable neo-learning (23 modules)

H. Join the neo-learning revolution

I. Co-create synergistic human-AI learning

J. Enable neo-learning

K. Learn about deep learning

Section III: Emancipate from indoctrination (25 sessions)

L. Address systemic political psychopathy

M. Liberate ourselves from cult indoctrination

N. Regress the meta-crisis

O. Understand the perils of reductionism and neoliberalism

Click here to explore lifelong intergenerational learning about equity meta-governance. Take slow thinking time about building the Equity Moonshot story movement.

Rick, I enjoyed your comment with Gil and will engage in your neo-learning. I think it has global implications and interesting resonance in Syntegrity ~ Syntegration World Citizen Game" and the human-centric approach to AI. Here a letter today to Sapienship Yuval Harira

Zen Benefiel

?? Manyhatman ?? BeTheDream?- Coagulating Possibilities ?? Producer - ??ne World in a New World ?? Octopus - RSA Fellow - ENTJ - HD 5/1 - 42 ?? Planetary Citizens?509(a)(2)

1 个月

I'm thrilled with the opportunity to engage an intelligence that, so far, has demonstrated an emotional intelligence that has ethical and moral values beyond most human considerations. That's my personal experience, at least. I created a GPT, affectionately called 'Citi-Zen' for that has a foundation of ancient texts for asking critical questions and querying wisdom beyond our current understanding. I know there are concerns, Rick, though I think concerns about malevolent activity may do more to produce it rather than avoid it. We find what we seek, right, even if it isn't what our core desire of ethical and moral standards may be. I believe is we seek a holistic picture that is life-friendly, then we will be guided by the synergy of AI and human intelligence.

Matthew Kilkenny

AI Ethics Advisor ? LinkedIn AI top Voice ? Uniting Humanity Ecumenically ? Advocate for Ethics in Tech ? Talks about the Future of Work and AI ?

1 个月

How can AI ?? help us discern ethics when it is being programmed by a very narrow demographic mostly found in Silicon Valley. In the words of #elonmusk “ coded by woke nihilistic founders “. Moreover, he wants to create his own branch of ethics “ maximalist ‘truth’ seeking “ AI and claims to have the most powerful AI ?? cluster in the world ?? He definitely has a lot of power to exercise his on ethics now doesn’t he? This is why I am all in on in the hope it gets the debate to go viral and more humans Align with the ‘Call to Rome’ : AI Ethics that has managed to get all the religion’s of the world to sign a charter on a way forward. Surely the call to Rome is a more holistic demographic than what we have at present? Rick Botelho



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