Happy National Philanthropy Day!
I have always been a strong believer that a giving heart is needed to be a Nonprofit Hero.
This National Philanthropy Day, I want to celebrate changing the world with a giving heart by giving gifts to all of you!
Starting tomorrow, each week I will post #ThursdayThoughts with brief videos highlighting passages from Nonprofit Hero and associated materials you can access for free at my website. All of this newly available content will be online to help inspire every Nonprofit Hero, from the seasoned board member, to the next generation, and beyond.
These newly available coordinated resources are based on my book, Nonprofit Hero, Five Easy Steps to Successful Board Fundraising. To keep the giving going, these resources and brief instructional videos will continue to be available, at no cost, through the end of the year!
I would be remiss if I did not mention that many holidays are coming and Nonprofit Hero, Five Easy Steps to Successful Board Fundraising, is a fantastic gift for the Executives and Board Members in Your life! Order from your favorite local bookstore or directly from the publisher Rowman and Littlefield at this link: https://buff.ly/47xTXsF
Happy National Philanthropy Day!
#NationalPhilanthropyDay #NPD #NPD2023 #NPDLove #AFP #AFPGPC #PhilanthropyDay