Happy Nation
The World Happiness Report is a publication that contains ratings of national happiness by country based on various parameters. But is it really possible to measure happiness? How can happiness be defined? According to the report, several parameters can be examined such as health and life expectancy, social support, level of corruption, financial income, generosity, GDP Per Capita, freedom of movement and freedom of choice and work life balance.
Studies have shown that the monthly financial income has an effect on happiness but at the same time after a certain amount of monthly income there will be no more effect on the happiness index level. On the other hand, the parameter of?work-life?balance at a high rate has a decisive effect on our index of happiness because then our level of stress and anxiety decreases?dramatically. In fact, work life balance is the combination between our professional work and our personal life, which means that it is very important that this balance is maintained in order for our happiness index to rise. Another parameter that raises the happiness index is belonging to a community, having a social life and conducting good relationships between people.
When we look at the world happiness report, we can always notice that Scandinavian countries placed at the top of the list of the report. Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Sweden are considered countries with a higher happiness index. In these countries you can find a very high level of prosperity and the focus of their population is less on monthly financial income but more on the parameter of work life balance.?
In fact, the financial issue is pushed to the sidelines and is not the main thing. Beyond that, you can find natural areas and a lot of green spaces in these countries. So what exactly is happiness? Happiness can be defined in your satisfaction regarding the life path you choose for yourself and hence the liberality and freedom of movement you have in a specific country is also very important.?
Beyond that, in countries where there is less governmental corruption and mutual relations between the government and the citizens, the happiness index will of course be higher. In the Scandinavian countries, higher taxes are paid on consumer goods, but due to the trust between the government and the residents, the residents of the Scandinavian countries receive the taxes they pay in the form of better services and excellent social support (maternity leaves, unemployment benefits, number of paid vacations per year, social support in general, etc.)?
For example, in?Finland, mothers can receive up to 10 months of time for maternity leave. In other words, the government actually takes care of the residents and provides them with support and quality of life at a very high level, and therefore this directly affects the happiness index of the residents in the Scandinavian countries because they feel that the government is generous to them, and therefore, this has an impact on the generosity of the residents towards each other and the improvement?of their relationships.
Beyond that, in Finland and Denmark there are two significant benefits for the residents and they are free education and free healthcare. It is easier in Finland and Denmark to navigate life in different directions and areas because the governments support so many basic needs. The issue of trust is also very important in the Scandinavian countries. Trust between the resident and the government and also trust between the Scandinavian residents themselves.
?If we look at Germany, it seems that even in Germany the economic model is very similar to the Scandinavian economic model which is based on welfare policies that integrate a social economic model. In fact, in Germany as well as in the Scandinavian countries, the pace of life is slower and there is no feeling of a constant race to consume material things, but the focus of life is more on accumulating personal experiences. The German government, like the Scandinavian governments, advocates equality between the citizens, and therefore the level of trust of the citizens in the government is quite high.
In addition, in the Scandinavian countries and also in Germany, there are no huge gaps between the rich and the poor because there is a balance and equality that is reflected in the welfare policy of these countries where everyone contributes their share. In addition, the residents of these countries feel safer due to a low crime rate.?
Another interesting thing is the productivity of the salaried employees in these countries?which is considered higher. why? Due to the fact that they can take more days of paid vacation per year and there is less pressure like in other countries built on a 100% pure capitalist economic model. Working overtime is considered unacceptable and abnormal and there is respect for the salaried employee's private hours beyond working time.
And here is the connection to immigration and happiness. Studies have shown that when immigrants arrive at an immigration destination where there is acceptance and tolerance, this will have a positive effect on them and make them happier. On top of?that, countries that are open for receiving immigrants have a higher happiness index.?
In the Scandinavian countries and also in Germany, the population is very homogeneous, a fact that indicates acceptance and openness. Some claim that it is difficult to integrate into Scandinavian society because it is considered a somewhat closed society, therefore understanding the Scandinavian mentality and understanding the culture takes time (by the way, the Scandinavian sauna adds a lot in a positive way and contributes to both mental and physical health), but at the same time I can testify as someone who has visited all Scandinavian countries, that nordic people in general are very kind and sociable. If you like quiet and privacy just like me, you can easily connect to the Scandinavian mentality.
Agency of One | Host: The Germany #Expat Business Show #podcast | #singlesourceofyou #digitalstrategy #squarespace #branding #onlinemarketing
1 年Interesting perspective. I am total support of Western European style social insurance. I also think there are cultural factors which determine a countries general attitude and 'happiness level'. Life is good here in Bavaria, but there are also a lot of grumpy people here (not all! But a lot)
Financial Controller |The Lakhani Group I eKomi | Flipkart| Tata Tel| Reliance| E - Commerce |Zonal Manager| Finance & Controller | MBA Financial Management from Germany
1 年Nice to read the article, very interesting ??