Happy Mother's Day 2022!
Margaret Fletcher Julien
salonsuccessgrenada.com Tel: 473-435-3423 today! (Grenada Head Office)
Good morning Clients and Contacts,
Wishing you a wonderful day!
We would like thank all the Mother’s who come to us by giving back.
In addition to your next high quality service from us, get ready for winning and looking great this Mother’s Day 2022 by booking your appointments early and being automatically entered into our Mother’s Day Prize Draws!
All clients who came and who are coming to Salon Success Grenada in the month of April 2022 and before May 8th 2022 will be automatically entered into the Prize Winning Draws. Get a chance to win FREE and Discounted Services and Products!
There will be many draws for the Prizes and they will take place on Saturday May 7th 2022, the day before Mother’s Day. Clients will draw the names from the box where all of your names are entered.
In addition, if you come in to get your service done on Saturday May 7th 2022 a special prize awaits you!
Book your service today by calling us at 1-473-435-3423. In addition, we can be reached on Whatsapp at 1-473-457-0852.
Wishing you a great day and thank you for sharing this message and telling your friends about us!
The Salon Success Grenada Team
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