Happy Love Day!
Tammy Goen
I'm the secret weapon for those seeking to move beyond overwhelm to a place of sustainable self care, life-work balance and peace??
It’s Valentine’s Day, a day for spreading love, feeling love, being immersed in all things heart-felt. I’m wishing you an amazing Love Day.
If you’re sharing life right now with a partner, you may be planning an amazing day and/or evening with your loved one. You might be making plans with your children or other family members. Perhaps you’re planning to hang out with a friend or two.?
Some folks don’t have sweethearts to plan the day with, some don’t have supportive, loving families, and some may be away from those they love right now for one reason or another.
And some are in romantic relationships that aren’t supportive or loving, and this may be a stressful time.
Wherever you find yourself on this holiday and whether or not you’re surrounded by loving others, you can always send love to yourself.
In years past when I wasn’t in a relationship I would dread this holiday. I focused on not having that external love source, feeling the odd-girl out who was the ‘only’ one not sharing the day of love with a partner. Of course that wasn’t true, but I held onto that. I shared love with my family, from afar (being in different locales), but felt so much lack that I couldn’t enjoy the day.
Thankfully I realized some time ago that the only love I NEED is the love for myself. And I thrive on sharing love with others, and I can certainly do that on this day of love.
My best friend is an inspiration to me for spreading love. She’s always embraced this holiday wholeheartedly and gushes love to all of those in her life by sharing little Valentine Gifts and sending cards, and in the past couple of years has been helping a friend create and deliver beautiful floral creations for her friend’s flower shop. What an amazing thing to do…deliver flowers to increase people’s ‘happy’ on Love Day!!
So, how’s your self love doing? Could it be amped up a bit? Even if you are planning a romantic evening with someone, it’s important to make sure you also pay attention to that love for yourself, not just for your partner.
Do you have something planned that really resonates with you, will really leave you feeling supported and loved? Or are you just planning something that your partner will love, but won’t do much for you? Is there anything you could add that will reinforce this feeling of self love?
If you’re planning to be alone today and/or this evening, it’s all about YOU.?There are many things you can do to show love to yourself…
~Go see (or watch at home) a movie YOU are really interested in (not what others would want to see).
~Take a bath with essential oils and beautiful music and a favorite book.
~Make a list of everything amazing about you and celebrate it by dancing around the house .
~Take yourself out to dinner at your favorite restaurant, or order take out and bring it home, light a candle and create the perfect ambiance to soothe your soul.
~Try a heart-expanding meditation, maybe with your favorite crystal and background music.
~Put away your to-do list for another day…no chores! Just enjoyment of you.
~Call a friend just to share energy and the day.
The idea is to create a start-to-finish evening just for you…everything that YOU love and maybe don’t usually make time for or allow yourself to do very often. You are important and deserving of love…your own love, not just that from others.
And whatever your spiritual beliefs, it’s helpful especially on days like today to remember that you’re never truly alone and are always connected to, supported and loved by Source, or whatever term or image you resonate with. And whether you are physically alone today, or in a relationship in which you feel alone, you are never truly alone. You are part of something so much bigger.
Also, remember that there’s a tribe out there of Highly Sensitives that understand you and support you energetically, even if you don’t know them! We love and feel love deeply, so it can be easy to feel a lack of that love very deeply. We’re all connected; today see if you can tap into that global love consciousness and let it buoy you. Know that you’re understood and loved.
Sending you so much love on this Valentine’s Day, and sending hopes that you will be showing yourself immense love and celebrating how amazing you are!!
And here are some lovely (self) love stories ??