Happy Life like Panda
Thomas Chow
Circulatory System Improvement Pain solution for more info go to ucsipainsolution.com
If people can live like a Panda, everyone will be happy. Pandas are so enjoying its life. They are happy with the nature and satisfying with a little like bamboo and carrot etc. They just play, eat and sleep. They look so beautiful with Black and White together.
Unlike the Stupid, cunning and madness (Scam) president of a country and his elected evangelical political party are so hypocrite and abusing the messages of God for their own advantages. This is sad and humiliating for that country.
If you stay clam, you are wise, but if you have a hot temper, you only show how stupid you are. (Proverbs 14:29) The most stupid fool is better off than someone who thinks he is wise when he is not. (Proverbs 25:12)
(Proverbs 6:12-14) Worthless, wicked people go around telling lies. They wink and make gestures to deceive you, all the while panning evil in their perverted minds, stirring up trouble everywhere.
How wonderful it is that if we can live like the song of Imagine by John Lennon (the Beatle), Living Life in peace…
Written by Thomas Chow Read more at www.ucsipainsolution.com