A happy life does not form without first taking risks.
By no means am I saying “go do something crazy that might put your life in jeopardy!” I know this may be a bold statement, but as FDR once shared:
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
I strongly believe that we live in a time where it is way too easy to remain in our comfort zones. Corporate giants such as Amazon and JP Morgan Chase are making it easier everyday to do everything with minimal human interactions. We can’t blame them. At the end of the day, they are just serving our comfort.
The problem with our comfort zone is that it convinces us not to take risks. The main reason we all tend stay in our comfort zone is because of fear. Either it be the fear of failure, the fear of getting turn down, or even the fear of becoming vulnerable. Taking a risk means going head to head with the fear itself.
So why do I have picture of this car?
Funny story, growing up I had always been intrigued with cars. More specifically ones with a manual transmission. Two years ago I bought my first car. Not knowing how to drive stick shift didn’t stop me. I am embarrassed to say that for the first couple of weeks, this was the most expensive piece of art I owned. I called it art because like most art, it just sat there not touched. Having had committed on my dream with the purchase, I soon learned to drive her. Driving her has added a touch of excitement every time I find myself behind the wheel. Not having had taken that leap of fate, I would have not lived a childhood dream of mine.
Sure, I was scared. Taking this risk has propelled me in developing the habit of stepping outside of my comfort zone. Bringing more happiness into my life with every fear I face.
How about you? Are there any risks that you have taken that have brought happiness into your life?