Happy Leader
Vikram Shetty ??
I help DEI Consultants attract leads within 10 days for FREE this month because of the current backlash ? Download my white paper for the framework (see featured section)
Questions of the week:??Why don't you get frustrated by not seeing the progress of Scorecard?
I write this article based on the insight of my conversation with my team in our monthly 1-on-1 call. I speak with each one of my team members. This article is to share this week's question and our working method. You can subscribe to the Building Our Team newsletter (2900+ subscribers)
Photo by LinkedIn Designer
Why don't you get frustrated by not seeing the progress of Scorecard?
The short answer is that my leadership style permits me to do this. I have learnt and adapted a style that suits my personality and my natural talent.
You may call it a leader who is strategic, friendly and happy.
I never looked for small money, so I never found it. This means that I am not looking for 10% or 20% overall growth. I looked for big money, and I found it a couple of times. Thus making 2X, 3X and 5X.
Since I joined 73bit about a decade ago, I have always talked about working on the business, building assets, creating leverage, multiplying throughput, making things easy, setting priorities for profitability, and having an abundance mindset.
I didn't get to execute it back then because I didn't have proof to back it up.
To show that it's easy to make money if we use our brains better.
Back then, we were in survival mode, and to move to a stable mode, we needed a lot of money. I didn't have the luxury of running experiments, but slowly and steadily, I could make change happen.
People complain to me that people don't change. I say why do you want them to change? It's not your job to change people.
Our job is to make people work together to make a profit. I have repeatedly shown this using systems, starting with the Self-scoring System, Hiring System, Sprint, Pricing System, Workshop System, Culture Calls, and, recently, the most visible and hard-hitting one. — The Scorecard Day
No one believed we could complete a scorecard in a day, and people are now rushing to do it in 10-20 minutes.
I asked no one to change; I told people who want to follow a system and make more money to join us. People joined us.
Most even started thinking about automation in regular work inside the Sprint.
I learned the hard way that the nature of people, the market forces and a winning strategy don't require daily fights and conflict with people who don't want to walk your path to success.
If you can create magic with minimum to zero effort, the people who can see the money and want to earn it effortlessly will join your tribe.
It's an exclusive club, and not everyone will enjoy it. Only half a dozen positive people will get the idea of the new way, which is good enough to make you millions.
The name of the game is that 80% of your team will lose money for you; they will create a toxic environment, constantly complain, and make all kinds of excuses. They are the people who won't invest in themselves or want to learn anything at all.
I can only help those who want to accept the help.
I am placing my bet on the 20% (fit our culture) who will make much more than the other 80% who are bleeding money out of the company. Once I crack the code, we will build enough training and filtering in the hiring process to identify the bad culture fit early and part away from them as soon as possible.
Based on this strategy, I have set an objective for myself.
"Reach 100 clients at 73bit so that we never have to worry about paying salaries to the staff because the license fee will cover that up."
Since I want to do it effortlessly, I am creating Marketing, Sales, Delivery and Customer Success Systems, which will make it easy for us to work with 100 clients even if we have 20 people in our team. Currently, we have 30 people.
The beauty of the System is that the blame is on it and never on the people who run it. What makes a good leader is that they care about others.
You may have a question: what if I am wrong???
It's a valid question.
My Self-worth is not in line here because I have already taken the company to 5X revenue growth with one strategic pricing decision.
I am skilled enough in Tech, Leadership, Public Speaking, Strategy, and Business to start a new experiment beyond 73bit.
I am playing this game because I have nothing to lose.
Technically, you, too, have nothing to lose.
It's not your company.
You learn new skills every week on Scorecard Day. You find some part of the company culture happy. If you think you are not a good fit or if we ask you to leave, you have plenty of jobs, and I promise I will help you find one.
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I help DEI Consultants attract leads within 10 days for FREE this month because of the current backlash ? Download my white paper for the framework (see featured section)
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