Happy July
July 2024, Edition 17

Happy July

We are over the half way mark of the year and for those of us who struggle with the cold, two thirds of the way through winter. It’s a great opportunity to bundle up and watch the feats of the world’s best athletes compete in front of a real crowd at the Olympics.

I have recently become immersed in all things ACCU’s – which are Australian Carbon Credit Units. Our latest consulting client is planting forests of tree to generate these carbon credits. It’s an exciting role that sees me working on a new impact investment class I haven’t been exposed to before. Despite adding consulting services to our offering a while ago, I have finally created a web page with some details and an extract of our consulting history. It’s a work in progress as we increase the ways we can help for-purpose organisations do their greatest good.

On the social impact front, I attended the “Share the Love” with the team from brandkind community, an amazing social enterprise providing a range of branding and marketing services to other social enterprises, meeting a range of awesome humans from Melbourne and Sydney. I was also able to spend time connecting with another set of amazing humans at the bi-monthly Purpose Speed Networking sessions.

Whether you are working for a purpose-driven organisation or just want to be surrounded by people doing their greatest good, jump on our Events/Course page and you’ll find a range of in-person and online events to keep you warm and inspired. If you are in Sydney this weekend, make your way to UTS for the 2nd Social Enterprise Network of NSW/ACT festival, showcasing a range of social enterprises, presentations and more on Saturday 3rd August.

As always, we can do better together, so if you have any comments, suggestions, criticisms or ways we can do better, don’t forget to drop us a line and let us know how.

Jenni - Founder/Managing Director

Inspiration from our members

  • CuriousWorks' Future Culture program is offering paid, part-time opportunities for early-career artists and arts worker interns in Western Sydney from September 2024 to June 2025.
  • The Christie Centre ?celebrated its 70th birthday by hosting the Bash Night Glow as part of the annual weekend of ballooning festival in Mildura on 30 June.
  • Winter whale season is in full swing, and the Dolphin Research Institute are calling for you to report your sightings of whales.
  • After a fantastic fund raising effort, Hotel Etico were able to offer trainees and graduates a fantastic opportunity to work at, participate and enjoy the World Down Syndrome Congress in Brisbane this year. They were winners of the Accommodation Australia NSW Excellence in Disability Access and Inclusion award and they are also recruiting a chef.
  • HiHandmade was featured in the Australian Gift and Homewares Association’s (AGHA) “Material Matters’ catalogue spotlighting their commitment to sustainability.?
  • The Reconnect Project celebrated the 23/24 Financial year releasing their Annual Report and reflecting on the awards they have won and training programs they have launched- among other achievements
  • SisterWorks have celebrated a year of remarkable impact and milestones – and have paid and volunteer jobs available
  • Be Hers were part of the Multicultural Council of Tasmania’s Annual Women’s Expo, showcasing their mission and fostering community connections at the Moonah Arts Centre in Tasmania.
  • Good4Business have launched a newsletter diving into sustainability and purpose-driven business.

News and updates

For-purpose sector news

  • Social Enterprise Australia have announced the launch of Understorey – a digital commons and online resource for the social enterprise sector
  • The Queensland Government has provided increased funding of $1.9 million to continue the Social Enterprise Jobs Fund and the Queensland Social Enterprise Council.
  • Jess Moore, CEO of Social Enterprise Australia has appeared on Channel Nine’s Helping Hands, to provide a definition of what a social enterprise is
  • The Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF) have announced the 2025 location – next year SEWF will be in Taipei, Taiwan!
  • Hot on the tail of the official launch of Beacon?in Bangalow with the Prime Minister in April, White Box Enterprises opened a second Beacon Laundry in Adelaide?in collaboration with Bedford Group.
  • The Federal Government has released its response to the findings of the House Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services – agreeing that Employment Services Reform is necessary.
  • The Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA) has released a study revealing what Australians really think of the community sector.

Regulatory updates

(the sometimes boring but always important stuff)


Legislative changes


Guidance and updates

You can more on these items and other regulatory updates in our monthly regulatory updates and other updates posted on the Blog Pages (use the Regulatory Updates filter). We can't provide legal advice but you can find proposed and upcoming legislative changes to discuss with your legal advisers.

Opportunities to do your greatest good



You can find a range of for-purpose events from members and the broader purpose-driven community on our Events/Courses page. We have listed free and paid events which we think will be of interest to both consumers wanting to network and find their tribe, through to those in the for-purpose sector who want to learn and grow. Some are online, but for those who are craving real life contact, we've got you covered as well. Here’s just a couple of events you’ll find:


Jobs – Paid and Volunteer roles

Are you seeking a new role or have some time to donate to an organisation aligned with your values? Check out the paid and volunteer roles from our members.


Collaborations - asking for help and offering assistance

Whether you are an individual looking for information or are a purpose-driven organisation seeking support and resources - we've got you! So check out the Collaborate section of the ecosystem for support and resources to help you or your organisation. Here’s just some of the things we’ve added recently:

o?? Impact North in the Northern Territory has a new coworking space in Nightcliff and

o?? Frankston Social Enterprise Hub (FSEH) are trialing free coworking in Wednesdays in August


About Us

Greatest Good is a certified social enterprise and B Corporation? that connects conscious consumers with for-purpose organisations via a one-stop hub.

We are a digital ecosystem with a directory, community and marketplace that helps consumers to find, engage with, and support social enterprises, B Corps, charities and other not-for-profit organisations.

Sign up for our newsletter to do your greatest good!


#greatestgood?#forpurpose?#socialgood?#socialinvestment?#socialchange?#socialprocurement?#socialenterprise?#socialenterprises?#socialentrepreneur?#community?#socialentrepreneurship?#socialenterprisenetwork?#socialentrepreneurs?#purposedrivenbusiness?#socialimpact?#Switch2good, #BuySocial #BuyLocalBuySocial #SocialEnterprise #ProfitForPurpose #BusinessForGood #bcorp #bcorpcertified Greatest Good | B Corp? 108 Yoga Road Aggie Gifts Akira Grateful Australian Gynaecological Cancer Foundation Avodah Global Be Hers Ltd Checklist Legal Christie Centre Inc Creative Plus Business CuriousWorks Dolphin Research Institute Enabled.vip Funding4Growth Good4Business | Certified B Corp? hiHandmade Hotel Etico Australia JAM the label Kimchi Club Mosaik Experiences One Roof Pancare Foundation SisterWorks Inc. The Reconnect Project Together Business Australia




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