Happy International Women's Day
Dr (DR)Viyatprajna Acharya
Professor Biochemistry, author, researcher, innovator
Happy women's day! Really is it an occasion to celebrate? Why there's no Men's day? When we consider male and female as complementary to each other and each have equal roles to play in the nature why special attention to women? Even if Men's day exists, no one really gives so much attention as they give to Women's day.
We give special attention to our special children who are weaker as compared to the other ones, physically or mentally. Doesn't this celebration show that we are weak? Shakti, the energy source is being celebrated for being weak!! Definitely with increasing crime rates against women, daily news of rapes and molestations, honour killings etc have made us to do so. But the root cause is somewhere else.
Women suffer due to women in most of the cases. In most of the Dowry killings first the names of MIL and SIL is raised...so are the cases of other crimes.
Then what about rapes and molestations? Women are definitely not involved in that. Correct..but had the mothers taught their sons to respect women from the childhood, rectified their lewd deviations at the first instance, world would have been a better place to dwell in.
However strong may be the judiciaries, however much women quotas may you generate, unless until women stand for themselves as well as for other women, simultaneously rectifying the grassroot level problems, no celebration is going to work.
Mitochondria, "the power house of cell" is totally contributed by the mother. Need we produce more evidence that we are the Shakti, we are the POWER!!!