Tomorrow we mark the 75th year of India's independence.

We hoist flag to mark this day and the independence we have earned, thanks to the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and many unsung heroes of India.

Yet one pertinent question is does freedom stop with this celebration! Is that how we envisage our freedom! Let me explain.

With due respect to the festivities of this event, the contradiction of freedom that we are experiencing is what makes me write this post.

Lets reflect-

-We have long list of possessions, but shorter tempers

-We have more ring roads and transport to connect to far off places, but lesser paths to truly connect with our fellow beings.

-We have intellect , but lesser empathy to understand others.

-We have more knowledge and more google search to access it, but lesser wisdom

-We are proud to be problem-solvers, so our eyes seek more problems

-There is more convenience, lesser wellness.

-We have reached space, yet not our inner self.

-We pursue more and more knowledge, but hardly practice the few things that we really need and learnt.

-We have learnt quick reaction, not patience.

-We have learnt to give in to thoughts, not to reflect on it.

So while we assume we are free, are we not fighting for freedom everyday! Or is it right to say we have taken comfort unconsciously, in not being free.

What does freedom mean!

Well, Its a chunked up question to put in words and talk for everyone reading this. Yet , I will make a modest attempt to express it.

Freedom is-

-Being free to make a choice

-Freedom to wellness.

-Freedom to connect with ourselves and others easily and in a simple way.

-Freedom to have clarity in thinking

-Freedom from the shackles of beliefs that pull us back.

-Freedom to go towards the goals.

-Freedom from the chains of our lens and ability to see from a different lens when we want to.

-Freedom to make decisions

-Freedom to live by our values

-Freedom to work on our strengths

-Freedom to live by our Ikigai.

-Freedom to clarity of thinking and access to thoughts that promote wholeness and wholesome well-being.

-Freedom from going after all the shiny objects that become clutter eventually and gathering what is meaningful to our home and life.

-Freedom to let go of attention on things that don't uplift us.

- Freedom to focus on what is meaningful to us

Well, the discussion is relevant, because we live in dark, not deliberately though but because, we don't even know that we are following things that keep us chained; while we assume this is me, my choice and my thinking; and I am only living and pursuing things that I want.

Is it possible to be rid of thoughts that consume us and hence have freedom ! Being rid of thought is like expecting waves to not form in the sea. Waves do form and hit the shore ; sometimes faster and with vigor; sometimes albeit slowly. So what shall we do!

Judge them as stubborn, unrelenting, intruders, hijackers, fight with them, stop them and feel frustrated that they don't stop. Label them whichever way, they just don't stop. Or resign and do whatever they ask us again returning to slavery.

O...R...... P R A C T I C E L E T T I N G G O !!!!!!!

But hey... they come back...don't they....and fiercely... so for how long do we keep letting go..

W E L L .........L E T G O E V E R Y T I M E !!!

Making space to have clarity in thinking is not difficult. It is a matter of practice.

The secret of peace lies in coming back to the present moment where we can live fully and meaningfully. Refocusing on this moment. Attention goes in multiple directions. Just bringing it back to the present moment will help in letting go. There is no complication here. There is only simplicity of becoming aware that they have gone wherever and bringing the focus back. No fighting with the thought, no resigning to it.

F R E E D O M BY L E T T I N G G O !!!

And the simplicity lies in redirecting focus, again and again and again to the present moment !!!

Because letting go is a matter of practice. Peace is to be practiced. We have practiced reacting and reacting throughout. That explains why we have been following our thoughts like an ardent servant who follows his master's orders! So how about practising letting go again and again that makes it habitual and a competence at an unconscious level !

This is a simple yet profound act to freedom. To connect with self and others in empowering manner. Impulsive reactions seldom help.

There is power in simplicity of returning to the present moment. We underestimate what is simple, yet it is this simple act that becomes powerful when practiced.

On the eve of India's independence, I want you to think whether we are dependent or independent! It is an irony that we are more enslaved to clutter, food addiction, possessions, alcohol, compulsive habits, narrowed thinking and confined behavioral frames that take us back than forward. And we live in assumed reality of freedom!

And this is true for the people all over the world, not only for people in India.

I, on this eve of Independence day, call upon you to ponder and mindfully choose the path that takes you to real freedom. We want freedom from slavery to things that has engulfed our lives. I want you, dear ones, to live freely.

When you choose the wise path and practice getting into that M I N D F U L S P A C E where you can make uplifting decisions, choice of thoughts and habits to engage in, identify your values and meaningful goals to live for and engage in the actions that take you there, you have gained control of your life and truly attained freedom.

H A P P Y I N D E P E N D E N C E D A Y, M Y F R I E N D S !!!

Every journey begins with the first step. May this day of Azaadi ka Amrutmahotsav be your first step to your freedom!

#HappyIndependenceDay #happyindependenceday2022 #freedom #clarity #mindfulness #indiasindependence #flaghoisting #refocus #resilience #meaningfullife #aazadikaamrutmahotsav #75yearsofindependence


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