Happy Independance day
Ginni Aneja
Numerologist, & Tarot card reader, Career consultant, Relationship analyst, Reiki healer, oracle card reader
WOW In just 77 years of independence, we achieved so much.
1. We achieved a border, a wall, between the citizens of the country. Those who lived like brothers? For centuries. We achieved hatred among them. We managed to separate brothers.
2 we achieved forgetting Our language, our mother tongue, replacing it with a foreign language of the foreigners who made us slaves. Tortured us, ruled, dominated us, looted us and took away our freedom. Our independence. Fooling us that they are returning it so-called only for namesake sake.
3. We achieved modernisation attitude, ego, materialistic life by losing our compassion and kindness for humanity for animals, those animals that we worship.
4. we managed to get used to disrespecting, abusing and make a second class citizen of the woman, the Devi. Our mother, sister, wife, daugheter. being raped mercilessly and forgotten. That woman of a devi we used to worship and still do. We manage to turn into hypocrites.
5 we managed to take the freedom of our children away. We fantastically achieved giving them a foreign useless education teaching them how to be a slave, to be constrained. How to take orders. How to obey. We managed to take away the thinking powers by not allowing them to ask questions, not learning, not daring to teach anything out of syllabus. we managed to wtwist and manipulate history. we managed to twist geography biology. we managed to give Those subjects so much importance that we knew We will never need in our life. We managed to remove our culture, yoga, Meditation, manners and the necessary skills out from the curriculum, that we would actually always need and yet not be taught about in those large expensive educational institutions that you pay an arm and a leg for.
6. Oh we managed to Turn relationships into a business where judgments and expectations, transactions were topmost. Creating differences among people in the name of religion, caste, colour, language, money, language, borders. We managed to turn all the public services into selfish, Corrupt, dominating, manipulating institutions that are not in any way For the people by the people.
We Managed to definitely achieve, turning most of the population of our country into a materialistic lot, always in competition and hence always Not trustworthy, lying, cheating, insecure and depressed.
O, yes, we achieved a lot we managed to take a child away from his parents abroad for studies in cities for work. We managed to take the farms away from the farmer we managed to take a WI fer away from the husband we managed to take her mother away from a child we managed to take a father away from his family. We managed to turn old parents into a burden. We managed to break families into nuclear broken families. We managed to turn the population into an emotionally and mentally sick population.
7.We managed to turn food into a business so much so that every bite we put into our mouth every product we put into our mouth, We have to think twice about how many chemicals it may have or genetically modified, while we should be thinking twice about the medicines we put into our mouth that are pure chemicals. we are not able to trust any doctors completely, not able to trust hospitals. After all the corruption and incidences that happen and dont come to light.
8. Generally speaking of cos. unable to trust those very people who were supposed to be there to protect us instead. We fear them & dont feel safe with them. yes definitely we've managed to achieve a lot with Greedy people who run this country instead of leaders Who should be an inspiration for the population. We've managed definitely to achieve as we have created a large divide and gap between people when it comes to economy.
9. In these 77 years We achieved organisation we achieved technology, superb infrastructure. oh n We've achieved creating harp technology to modify the weather and yet people are dying of natural calamities, famine floods heatstroke, winter, avalanche.
10. Yes, we managed modern technology creating robots, artificial intelligence which is putting people out of jobs & forcing them to get buried under loans, suicide or die of hunger.
11. oh yes The taxation is so uniform. Corruption is supposed to have on paper gone down on the lower strata Of people oh, but has it so increased on the higher levels ?
we managed to achieve that the farmers who give us food Had to be on the streets protesting for their rights for a whole year. The cloth industry suffered huge losses so much so that many people suicided. yes of cos the black money came out. but ever wonder WHY CASH is called black? then why was it introduced? we were a happy lot living on barter.
12. we definitely achieved people a society who has been blinded, mind programmed, manipulated to such level that they stopped thinking for themself. Stopped questioning and all they know is to follow orders of the high command without giving it a thought of right and wrong good and bad. including the Doctors who are supposed to save lives. bali chadha dia janta ko orders k naam pe.
13. And that's exactly what we are teaching By example to our children! ruining the next generation. In these 77 years of independence we have managed to give a very sad future to our coming generation and children. We've achieved a population which is not capable of concieving & birthing children and hence the rise in ivf clinics. on the other hand people who think that the population explosion will cause people to go hungry. And hence people have restricted themselves from having more children and having natural children by natural childbirth being dependant on hospitals that dont know the basics of childbirth.
14. And definitely in so many years we achieved, not just dominating and controlling human race. But also animals, including the wild animals, giving them a name, killing them, not being able to give them a healthy environment due to smuggling encroaching poaching corruption.
15. wev achieved big huge over crowded cities and empty villages. towns that are turning into cement jungles. we are cut of from nature n earth. children going abvroad for education leaving their old parents behind to rot alone.
16. wev achieved a family where parents and children are emmersed in their work or fones or tv and dont even speak to each other.
When I talk I'm sure a lot of people will say, oh my God, how negative you could have said a nice word? Well, I'm just talking about some things that you have missed, that you have not thought about, definitely go ahead and celebrate your independence. but Are you really independent, give that a thought first. Think about it. What is it that you can freely do? Can you sell freely? Can you buy freely? Can you travel freely, can you build a home where u want ? Can you buy a vehicle animal gold jewels? can you educate your child without stress competition social pressure peer pressure economic pressure? or marry them off with all this? Can you even berth a child or bring up a child without the stress of what should be done and what should not be done? What is legal and illegal? here I am talking about documentation. I am talking about that money which is not even money , was not there before the brits came and can be taken away from you in a split second. can u eat with out paying taxes for food? are you ecven eating FOOD? or is it genetically modified garbage that you body will eventually discard as shit or preserve as toxins.
Give yourself 5 minutes today. And think about what was life. Maybe 100 years 300 years 500 years before.
What was it like before the mughals came? What was life before the British came? What were all those things that were not in existence and yet what a beautiful life humans had? Every era has its positive and negative, but a person was free to live. On the land he wants free to live the way he wants. I don't think we have reached A. That's what I think you're free to think what you want? And if you do argue that, oh yes, we are free.
Tell me one thing you are free to do.
YOu are MIND PROGRAMMED into thinking your free. You are mindprogrammed into thinking YOU are making a choice and giving permission. but that is far from the truth. You are mind programmed into thinking what you are told to do is the only right way. And im NOT talking about the govt here. Im talking about the media, social media, mainstream news media that fills your brains with 99% lies and mindprogrames you all the while keeping an eye on you so that you dont waver.