Happy Holidays and it has been a very busy year!
I have just finished up with the translation of 15 novels from English to Spanish, along with the covers for the ebooks, paperbacks and hardbacks. When I was in federal prison, besides reading and writing I studied Spanish, German, Japanese, Russian, and Chinese. The inmates all thought I was insane—which isn’t a bad thing in prison. Besides speaking I focused on reading and writing in these other languages. Reading Nietzsche in German was not an easy task. Reading Nietzsche in your mother language is no easy task, either. The moral of this story was that I used my time wisely for those 30 years. In 2000 I was out for a couple of years and attended SFSU in San Francisco as a Japanese major. Besides being a prolific writer, I have a publishing company that not only edits, rewrites, proofs, formats and can translate into Spanish. I do great covers with the help of Leonardo AI, and publish with Apple, Amazon, B&N, Google Play and Kobo. I will be doing meet and greets at the Saturday Market in Portland, Oregon where I have a detective series that takes place in Portland. I am including my latest release, El Ruso, Una novela de Johnny Walker. Merry Christmas everybody and Happy Holidays.