Happy Holidays from Sandstorm!
As 2023 draws to a close, we wanted to thank you for being an important part of Sandstorm! We love working with all of you and we're truly grateful.
Creating Sandstorm traditions is big for us and our annual holiday celebration is no exception. Last week, we kicked off the celebration with Spirit Week. Each day featured a new theme, whether it be dressing in flannel or your favorite ugly holiday sweater or in your fanciest gear, not only did Sandstormers embrace the fun, but many of our clients did too - THANK YOU for joining us! My favorite spirit day was “Dress like a present.” Check out Noah – he is working in an Amazon box.
For our virtual holiday party, we began with a round of Two Truths and a Lie, using an interactive Mural board (I highly recommend this for your team – it was so much fun and so easy to use). Each Sandstormer posted their truths and a lie in advance, and everyone got to vote on which one was the lie.
A few things you may not know about our team:
From there, we moved into our virtual White Elephant gift exchange, using another online tool: https://www.whiteelephantonline.com/, which we debuted last year. The big difference this year was that we increased the steals to 5 per item. Last year, we had a limit of 2 times and that was simply not enough. The laughter and thievery of this typically in-person event continues to live on in a virtual format.
A few highlights:
Most Stolen Gifts: Hydroponic Home Garden
Most Unique: Randomized gift from Nathan. Instead of unwrapping a gift, the person would spin a virtual gift wheel. The options were a Doordash gift card, a Bottle of booze, a Dozen Krispy Kreme donuts, and Wildcard - $25 worth of fruitcake.
Most Unlucky Player: was a three-way tie between Syd, Sandy, and Noah with 4 stolen items!
Thanks again for being a part of Sandstorm this year. We’re incredibly excited and looking forward to 2024 - let’s do amazing things together!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year,
Sandy Marsico
CEO, Sandstorm