Happy to be here (with nothing)
Imagine me relaxing. If I were a male model. With facial hair. And no glasses. Thirty years ago.

Happy to be here (with nothing)

What makes you happy? I’m sure there’s a long list of things. There is for me. But we humans are a fickle breed. Our happiness with things is exceedingly fleeting. We are happy one moment and more the next. And that got me thinking about nothing.

These days I’m feeling pretty weighed down by all the turmoil in the world — wait, I’m being too politely general — I mean, with all the #$*@)&! missle strikes, gun violence, civilian atrocities, starvation, climate degradation, political turmoil, hopelessness, nationalism, fascism, radicalism…

It’s so much that I find I need to stop. Take a breath. Breath deeply. And be thankful for the miracle of… an unremarkable day.

Just think of all that needs to happen for nothing to happen.

As a neophyte gardener, I have become aware of how much work is required just to keep plants alive… looking like nothing has changed. Actually, it takes a lot of effort — trimming, spraying, weeding, tilling, fertilizing, etc — just to keep a garden functional… and looking like nothing has changed.

Have you ever thought about what happened on September 11, 2000? Probably not. And probably not much. But think about how precious that “empty” day seemed from the perspective of the same day just one year later.

Let us be mindful of a beautifully boring day. And thankful for… nothing.


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