Happy "HallowThanksChristmas"
Jaynie Larson
Human Resources, Educator, Mentor, Dog Lover, Fun in the Snow ‘n Sun????
Jazzed up Jaynie's thought going into the last summer holiday weekend, where in 2 weeks, football and fall will be on our minds if it isn't already, including time ticking closer to end of year festivities that coincide with various traditional holidays. We may recall fond memories for a split second, and snap out of it as we are shaking our head that Halloween decorations line shelves and windows of our favorite stores just one day after our kids went back to school. Thinking ahead, to where our time will be spent going into the new year, what comes to mind to you? I think of the term "inner circle" which describes our closest of friends and family. Who are the important people in your life that are truly your "Inner Circle" and what makes them so special? In my humble opinion, if you can count 1 person on each finger on one hand, then your life is already rich with the things that matter heading into the holidays. This year, I wont be getting to caught up in the frenzy of when Christmas decorations start to crowd shelves in a couple of weeks.