Happy Green Valentine's Day

Happy Green Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day, February 14, is a day filled with cards, sweets, flowers and gifts. Like many holidays, its celebration can create unintentional environmental side effects.

Here are some 4 suggestions for showing the Earth some affection, while celebrating with those near and dear to you:

  1. Avoid e-waste cards or If sending a paper Valentine, be certain to send one that is printed on paper containing recycled-content. Don’t forget to recycle Valentines you have received that you aren’t keeping!
  2. Look for organic flowers or locally-grown flowers, a potted plant, a tree seedling, or a perennial plant instead of the traditional bouquet of flowers.
  3. Plant a tree together to symbolize your relationship's strength and endurance. Place a list (on compostable paper of course) of all the things you love about each other under its roots.
  4. Chocolate is traditional Valentine’s fare, but instead of getting mass-produced “chocolate flavored” candies at the store, think of “greener” chocolates. 

Here you have different ways to reuse your Valentine’s Day roses

You can still do a lot of romantic things that don't destroy your budget and the environment.


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