Happy Good News!!
Did you know you can buy suncream without plastic packaging??&?the world's largest CO2 direct air capture
Happy Monday, Earthfriend! ??
I hope you have had a great week and are ready to hear some good news. ??
Choices matter.?Amazinc! Suncreen - the plastic-free alternative
Amazinc! Suncreen?is packaged with 100% recyclable aluminium bottles, only containing mineral filters and natural ingredients.
The suncream is free of substances that are dangerous for marine life, corals and wildlife!
Suncream usually contains Oxybenzone which leads to reef bleaching that causes the death of the coral. Just a single drop of Oxybenzone can impact an area of coral the size of 6 Olympic size swimming pools.
Every year, up to 15 000 tons of sunscreen is washed into the sea in popular tourist destinations this represents a GLOBAL environmental problem.
Most of us are experiencing warmer weather, so this is the perfect solution for a plastic-free product which uses no harmful chemicals. Next time you buy suncream look for products like these which don't leave a trace on our environment.
Canada will ban harmful plastics by the end of 2022
Canada are banning single-use plastics, which will eliminate over 1.3 million tons of hard-to-recycle plastic waste and more than 22,000 tons of plastic pollution.
The products include:?single-use plastic bags, cutlery, straws, stir sticks, carrier rings, and takeout containers.
“Only 8% of the plastic we throw away gets recycled,” said federal health minister Jean-Yves Duclos in French, adding that 43,000 tonnes of single-use plastics a year find their way into the environment, most notably in waterways.
They have excluded any consumer goods packaging, however it's still a huge step forward and will hopefully encourage consumers to think about the real impact of purchasing plastic.?
Read?here?to find out more!
Mammoth, the world's largest CO2 direct air capture
Climeworks have announced their?newest and largest direct air capture and storage facility?as part of their ambitious scale-up plan towards multi-megaton capacity by 2030 and gigaton DAC capacity by 2050.
Located in Iceland, the construction of Mammoth will last approximately 18-24 months and will have the capacity to capture up to 36,000 tons of CO? per year when fully operational, an order of magnitude larger than Climeworks' Orca.
It's great seeing brands like Climeworks' making a change, and towards the unified goal of removing as much CO2 from the atmosphere as they can.?