Happy Global Entrepreneurship Week !
Pursuit Coworking
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Being Empowered from Inspiring Stories
We love inspiring stories. A huge thank you to our entrepreneurial member, Grant Elledge founder of Upgrade tutoring, for sharing a bit of his story with us. Grant answered a few questions, about his business, and the process along the way.?
What is UpGrade? UpGrade is an academic support agency based in State College, PA that supports Penn State underclassmen students in math, science, and engineering coursework.?
Additionally, UpGrade offers #PayWhatItsWorth classroom-style reviews for key classes and miscellaneous coaching and training to help students succeed in college, work, and beyond. Exceptional personal support, done the right way.
How long has UpGrade been around? UpGrade was founded in 2014, but I didn't mentally become an entrepreneur until about 2016 or 2017. There's a big difference between working for yourself in a simple service industry and owning a company -- and while I had a couple tutors on the team, it was mostly the former for the first couple years.
What drives you as an entrepreneur?
My work is deeply tied to my worldview, and I struggle to be motivated when it's hard for me to see how that's true -- which happens from time to time, for sure! I love the word "redemptive", and I strive to implement the healing, restoration, and goodness that word implies into every aspect of the company and my life.
What is one win, one loss, and lesson you've learned along the way?
Win: We've been extremely fortunate to attract and retain some really good people over the years, who have gotten us so much further than I could have carried us by myself. It's not just that I don't have enough time, it's that these people are better at doing what it is that they do than I ever could be!
Loss: I consistently overestimate how quickly I am able to accomplish growth goals. Most recently, for example, we began hiring staff in Blacksburg (at Virginia Tech) before realizing we didn't have the structures or energy to expand to a new campus yet.
Lesson: So often, I try really hard to make a nice and tidy thing, but then what I expect our needs are for tutors in a given semester are so different than what we actually have. Adaptability and trust in the people you have on your team to step up are a huge deal!
What is the rewarding part of being an entrepreneur?
I love so much about being an entrepreneur, like the free-wheeling problem solving and the degree of flexibility that you have in your personal life, in what part of the company you personally work on, and in the direction of the overall venture.?That said, the best part to me is the multiplicative power of business -- I get to see more people helped and cared for than I could ever personally, and I get to influence how those relationships form and grow. What a privilege!
*For more on Global Entrepreneurship Week visit all our social accounts, we will be featuring all of Pursuit Coworking entrepreneurial members!