Happy Father's Day
To all you Dads out there, Happy Fathers Day!
As the day approached I noticed thinking more and more about the times I had with my dad. I remember he made an electronic crane for me from scratch when I was 5, building model rockets in cub scouts, taking us camping/hiking, helping me rebuild a 1968 GE Elec-Trak riding lawn mower when I was 15, him being an inventor (he loved making things), going on base with him during reserve weekends (he did 4 years active and 23 years reserves in the Air Force), him making waffles every Sunday morning, playing board games together, watching Star Trek the Next Generation in the 90’s as a family, eating massive amounts of wings while watching football, teaching me the things at the times I’ve needed them to help me grow to the person I am today and many more.
But this Father’s Day things are different and difficult. On March 14, 2019 my Dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Melanoma cancer and 2 months later we had his funeral on May 13, 2019.
I’ve heard of stories, had friends and know people in my neighborhood that have gotten cancer. But I didn’t think nor occur to me that it could affect me and my family like this. He was my hero and still is. I can’t say thank you enough to all those who have helped our family over these last several months and for InsideSales.com the time to needed to frequently travel out of state unexpectedly. Going through an experience like this has really put a different perspective on things for me.
The point of the article boils down to this… hold your loved ones close, tell them that you love them. Spend time with your family making the memories and connections that will knit and bond you together. Because even though I had a great relationship with my Dad, I find myself sometimes thinking I wish had more time with him. But at the same time so grateful for the time I did have with him and all the memories I will cherish.