Happy #EngineersWeek

Happy #EngineersWeek

To all the #Pocketprotector wearing, math loving, and sometimes geeky Engineers out there ... Thank you! I am grateful for your passionate pursuit of solutions with ingenuity - and for the fact that we help fabricate the solutions you are looking for. Thanks for what you do ... and because you truly solve problems.

I recently met with a client whose process machines contribute to safety equipment for police officers. They aren't just building machines ... they are saving lives. To all my Engineer friends in the Energy Business, you are making people warm, generating their electricity, helping them cook a meal or dry their clothing.

So the next time you reach into the dryer and feel the warmth of freshly cleaned and dried towels ... think of it as a hug to an engineer that helped make that possible. Happy Engineers week!

And although I do not know anyone that still uses a pocket protector ... I still know a few of you that use retractable pencils and three color pens.


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