This Easter week, we reflect on the gift of new life, evidence in the earth bursting forth and gift of new life given to us through the Resurrection over suffering and death. Let us pray in gratitude for all that has been given to us.
Our Creator of new life, we come together this Easter to rejoice in the ongoing song of life that is within us and around us.
In this season of renewal, of life bursting into bloom or song, the hidden beauty of nature preparing to unfold, remind us that we too have a hidden inner beauty, reflecting the image of your creative power.
Resurrected Christ, remind us of the power of hope to triumph over fear, the power of love to prevail over violence of hate, the potential for peace to be victorious over hostility.
We pray for all that are still possible, but not yet fulfilled. We pray for a courageous and joyous faith that empowers us to become our finest and truest selves.
We pray that we are able to participate with you in the creation of new life, in which love, justice, beauty and peace are abundantly available to all.