Happy Easter with beyondprint unplugged
Bernd Zipper
CEO zipcon consulting GmbH | Chairman Initiative Online Print e.V. | Founder Online Print Symposium | speaker | author | advisor | coach | philanthropist
How is Easter usually celebrated in these parts? With Easter bunnies and egg hunting. And of course, small gifts, mostly chocolate, are given away. After all, Easter also means the end of Lent.
We also see it this way. That’s why we’re giving you the 1st edition of beyondprint unplugged this Easter. Of course, it was already published as a newspaper at the end of February – in print. But here you get the issue as PDF – which you can then distribute further.
Why? Because beyondprint unplugged may not have been received by everyone. Because as is so often the case with printed products: everyone gets only one, and some get none.
But there is another reason. The first two issues of beyondprint unplugged were met with overwhelming interest and support. From congratulations on the new concept and praise for the implementation to spontaneous enthusiasm for the editorial performance, everything was there.