The Hope Institute, Inc.

On this Easter Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus after his crucifixion and contemplate the future of mankind, I thought it might be a good time to consider where we are in our country. If Jesus is looking down upon his people, all humans, what do you think he is feeling right now, and specifically Americans? If humans had learned from the lessons of Jesus where would we be at this time? It may seem that I am being particularly limiting in my target audience with this article, but as my wife and others continue to remind me, I can’t save the world. Of course, my vision is opposite of that, that I can with the help of others save the world, but because I am aware of the need to take small steps I will focus on my country and see where it takes us by building the first H.O.P.E. Institute in Virginia.

I am certain that no American old enough to read, hear, see and comprehend what is happening would argue that our country is at a crossroads that may determine our viability as a free country. There are so many people around the world who are starving for seemingly stupid reasons. There are so many resources everywhere that it seems that not a single person should be going without food and shelter.   But America, a rich and “Free country” has been stuck for over 100 years in a paradigm of entitlement and greed beyond measure. A country that was built upon the concepts of Honesty in its governing, Omnipotence with God, Pure Love for all and ensuring equality in pursuit of Essence seems to have lost focus on these basic Universal Laws. So, what could we possibly do at this time in our development as a young country to overcome our division and regain our footing as the model for human dignity?

Currently, we depend on our government for so much. It seems that we have placed all our trust in a group of people we elected to serve as the keepers of not just our Constitution through establishing policies and laws but also with the common good for all our people. It seems that after 240 plus years we have lost the memory of why we demanded our independence as a nation. We have bestowed so much trust in them and they have taken such advantage of that trust that now we find ourselves at the brink of another civil war because our leaders have betrayed that trust. There are several reasons why we find ourselves on the brink but the primary one in my mind is money. Because we are living in a world based on money changing and trade we also find ourselves in a class system where some have and some do not. It’s all about the money and power in the United States and unfortunately around the world in most places. Does it have to stay that way in America? Let’s take a look at the forms of political and economic system being promoted within our country.



a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. 


leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism



·        policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.


leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism



·        (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

That third bullet may be the most feared by those who are advocates of conservative systems supported by capitalistic practices. But I want to look this purely from the definition of socialism as a basic system of tribal organization.




1.    an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

"an era of free-market capitalism" ·



private enterprise · free enterprise · private ownership · privatized industries · the free market · individualism · laissez-faire




1.    an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.


authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship · despotism · autocracy · absolute rule · Nazism · rightism · militarism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · anti-Semitism ·






1.    a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

"he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"


lawlessness · absence of government · nihilism · mobocracy · revolution · insurrection · riot · rebellion · mutiny · disorder · disorganization · misrule · chaos · tumult ·


·        absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

Take a look at this picture and it says so much about what these systems stand for and against. I love it because it is so simple and to the point. Red is Conservatism, Blue is Liberalism according to the debaters on each side. Looking at this picture, which system seems the most viable for a free and equal people? It would seem to be anarchy. However, for those who have watched the series, Brothers of Anarchy, it seems to not work because people seem to go to the dark side of the equation when there are no checks in place to ensure Honesty and Pure Love.

Now, let’s consider what we can do right here and right now. We will take the formula for H.O.P.E. and apply it to the current situation in our beloved United States of America.

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  HONESTY ASSESSMENT:We Americans, whether born American or become American, have a certain component of our essence as human beings to define America. So, as an American you may wish to assess your accountability for the current state of affairs of our country or you may choose to simply do nothing and allow the country to do what it will. If you desire to help with the solution then maybe doing this will help determine what you can do to change our situation. Here are some Honesty Questions:

1.    What have you done or not done to help land this country where it is today?

2.    What are you contributing to real change vs. oppressive rhetoric?

3.    How do you rate our Justice System, Legal, System and Executive?

4.    Do you believe we can be a fully equal country?

OMNIPOTENCE ASSESSMENT: Our country was founded upon the principle that we are one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. It seems that we have shied away from any sense of accountability for exercising our free will, especially when it does harm to others. In an effort to bring H.O.P.E. to bear on this discussion of our country’s survival, answer these questions:

1.    What have you done that would be considered going against the Ten Commandments? I do not ask this out of a sense of biblical duty but out of common sense from the Honesty Navigation System inherent in my design that says these decency obligations make sense to me. You?

·        You shall have no other gods before Me.

·        You shall make no idols.

·        You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

·        Keep the Sabbath day holy.

·        Honor your father and your mother.

·        You shall not murder.

·        You shall not commit adultery.

·        You shall not steal.

·        You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

·        You shall not covet.

2.    Have you decided to accept the responsibility and accountability that comes with being granted the authority to have a relationship with God or have you given that up by blaming every bad thing you do or that has been done to you on fate or some higher power?



Pure Love is that act or resonance of love that is given without expectation of reciprocity. Our country can only survive if we can make it our business to ensure that we care enough about or fellow humans to guarantee that we will allow no harm to come to them. In order to do this we wrote our Constitution and Bill of Rights with certain unalterable pillars guaranteeing us the right to challenge our government against acts of tyranny and to make certain of human equality. Although our founders were only focused on their “kind” when they wrote the Constitution, we have come to a more universal acceptance of these guaranteed rights to include all humans. Gone is the arrogance of European supremacy that was inherited by the early Americans. We are now faced with a resurgence of so-called racism that must be called out for what it is. There have been so many books and stories told of how love heals all. So, lest answer these questions to further our discussion.

1.    Do you accept all humans as being equal creations?

2.    What have you done to fuel inequality?

3.    Can you shift your behavior to one of pure love without conscious thought?


Our essence is that thing we were born to perform in this lifetime, As mine is to write, and be a coach and help others to be a bright star, all humans are created with an essence as well. I have come to understand that even when a person has other things that must be done to earn a living, because we live in a monetary system, their essence may still live in other areas. In America we have focused so much on things that are not related to what we are created to be but instead on what we can create to be for someone else. The essence of the USA is obviously to be a bastion of freedom and equality and so we must ask ourselves, what we have done to contribute to that end. 

1.    What is it you love to do? 

2.    Can you not add to the value of America with it?

3.    Do you know where to go to find the help and resources to help with that?

To bring this back around to our political and economic system in USA I propose the following:

As we move toward the depoliticization of our country we must consider what will replace a political system and when. For anarchy to work, we would have to assume that humans will live with Honesty, Omnipotence, Pure Love and Essence in their hearts every day. I believe we can all agree that humans are simply not ready for that paradigm shift at this time. For thousands of years, and some would say millions of years, we have been evolving. Whole civilizations have risen and fallen because the Natural Universal Laws that are in place to hold things in balance are violated resulting in destruction.

Somehow it seems that America is going down that path as well although there are many people who are attempting to thwart that fall. Globalists at one point seemed to be on the right track until it became obvious that there are crimes being committed against the Ten Commandments that we want to avoid denying.  These non-profits that have been used to enrich people and not usher in a global system to resource sharing and around the globe are a part of the problem and not the solution. France, Venezuela, America, South America and others are evidence of the need for change in how humans address systems of trade and resource management.


The H.O.P.E. Institute is a place where we are beginning to help change thinking. It is a place of New Thinking or NeoThink? for many. In order for our systems to change, we must change. In order for us to change we must have a place where new behaviors can be welcomed and shared. The current parenting, educational, religious and governing systems are stuck in the business as usual concepts that have resulted in riots and crumbling economies. We can argue about capitalism vs, Socialism vs. Anarchy vs Fascism vs, Democratic Socialism all day, but none of it works without the removal of corrupt thinking and practices. Government without control is not a solution to human dignity and happiness.

The H.O.P.E. Institute. Inc is a non-profit self-sustaining place of learning and thinking for people to gain the necessary tools and resources to begin the shift to a different way of thinking. This will provide a catalyst to remove government as the holder of all things valuable to Americans. The basis of thinking may be along the lines of but is not dictated by this:

1.    Businesses and Institutions are established by people who want to live with Honesty toward their business arrangements. They have established their authority through their Omnipotence and accept responsibility and accountability for their actions as business owners. They operate with Pure Love toward their customers and affiliates. Their businesses are formulated from the seed of their essence which ensures their success.

2.    Students and Business Affiliates honestly assess their lives. They establish their relationship with omnipotence and accept their responsibility and accountability for their situation. They affirm that they love all humans and do not wish harm on anyone. Their essence is discovered and they move toward that essence with undeniable passion and commitment.

3.    As people build businesses and institutions and humans discover their essence they will contribute to other institutions to usher in the changes in our thinking and behaviors. This is how we depoliticize our country and get government out of taxing us into submission. The billions of dollars that “Rich” pay in taxes is replaced by the inevitable contributions made by Honest humans contributing to the benefit of all to become self-sustaining human beings.

To make a contribution to this change please visit https://www.livinghopeinstitute.org


Wanda Rogers

AlleGiant Property Watch - AZ

5 年

I have finally learned that the honesty upon which America was founded only works through continued honesty. Today , honesty is missing therefore America is no ‘working’ as it was designed.



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