Darcy S Clarke
Psychotherapist, Addiction Specialist, Life/Spiritual Coach: Living in Alignment.
As soon as you open your mind and heart and begin to align your human self with your spiritual or energetic self, you will experience the benefits of Living in Alignment.
You do this by listening to and following the guidance/promptings from your spiritual self-your intuition.
Listening to and following the guidance/promptings from your spiritual self will always have favorable results — with no exceptions!
HERE are some of the benefits that Living in Alignment can offer you:
- become your own best friend and ally
- gain the skill base to form nurturing relationships
- allow other people to be catalysts for you
- become self-empowered
- live more in your body
- develop a partnership between your human self and your Soul
- attain a knowing that you are deeply loved
- experience heighten creativity
- experience a sense of abundance
- find inner joy
- discover Soul realization, Soul actualization, and Soul fulfillment
- gain skills to deal effectively with stress and reduce anxiety
- develop more honest and satisfying relationships
- create balance and harmony in your life
- experience an abiding sense of contentment
- discover meaning and purpose in your life
- experience freedom to be and fulfill your Soul mission
- embody an attitude of gratitude and celebration of life
- experience inspired living
- gain a renewed sense of belonging
- recognize and acknowledge the significance of your life
- experience increased spontaneity, fun, and enjoyment
- acquire more confidence and a sense of security
- make a difference/contribution in the world
- expand your mind
- become more present
- open your heart to yourself, others, and to living your life
- connect with your Soul mission
- experience sustainable transformation
- thrive in your life
- (For a complete list, see my book “Experience Living in Alignment: A practical Guide to Personal Transformation.” Chapter 1: pages 14-15.)
WHAT the spiritual path offers is a way to come back into balance, to develop our intuition and the wisdom of our heart, so that the intellect is no longer the master, but instead is the servant of the heart - the part of us that brings us into unity with ourselves and all other beings.
Ram Dass
To start experiencing the benefits of Living in Alignment and to learn more about the Living in Alignment approach, please visit my web site: www.darcyclarke.us