Happy Constitution Day!
Today, September 17, is Constitution Day in the US: a little known or celebrated occasion on which we honor our foundational document. The United States Constitution establishes the structure of our famously divided, tripartite national government into the executive, judicial and legislative branches. It provides for the "federalism" in which the nation, and each of the states--13 originally; now 50--function together and share sovereignty in ways often difficult for Americans and perplexing for others to comprehend. And of course the Constitution itself, as first written and more importantly as later amended--particularly the first ten amendments which comprise our Bill of Rights--acknowledge and guarantee the freedoms and liberties many of us, including me, consider the hallmark of Americanism itself.
I was flattered to have been invited as a guest on the locally produced show which airs on our National Public Radio affiliate here in Orlando, WMFE 90.7, "Friends Talking Faith" with its hosts, "The Three Wise Guys", a diverse group of local clergy. We discuss some topics of free expression, religious freedoms, and the interplay of our expressive and religious freedoms in context of some recent news headlines. The shows, taped this month, will air on the first two Tuesdays in October, at 6:30 pm here in the Orlando market. Outside the local listening area, anyone interested can access these or any other of their shows online at the show's website.
Please check out the shows on October 6 and October 13 as they air, or online, if you care to. If you disagree with my opinions, all the better: after all, that's the whole point of freedom. Happy Constitution Day to everyone!