Happy Coexistence in Isolation & WFH
Happy Coexistence in Isolation & WFH
The thought of staying at home full time with no hassles of office is always appealing, yet not practical. Now forced by nature to be home, I find it a pain as this was not what I wanted. Initially it’s a struggle for all in our family, but it slowly is falling in place as we don’t have much of a choice. Near & Dear ones falling over each other and office folks constantly demanding time, one does not really know what to do. It’s a matter of safety and so we have had an open talk internally that each one of us can contribute to our happy co-existence. Grand parents cannot be left to fend for themselves but also cannot be cribbing about what’s not happened or threatening to fend for themselves as while their health is at risk, others are getting impacted. Mom cannot be on call all the time for anything not found – please look around & remember to place it back where it’s supposed to be. Each one needs to rest, take care of themselves and others. Coexistence needs people to come together Collectively & make the most of being together with each other in a non-obligatory spirit.
Each day is a new experience and we have now agreed to accept & learn from our daily experiences. Its god send time for self-reflection and setting up a firmer direction or changing it as the need maybe. Daily wage earners need our support more so why not share a bit of ration that we have stock piled up out of fear, it will not make too much of a difference.
· Like giving each other advice only at designated times – the exception? Not only seniors but each one is empowered with responsibility so if you need to say something that’s urgent please do. Let’s respond more react less. Leadership Development skills like patience, listening, adjustment begin at home …He He!
· Mom is not always to be in charge we can all take turns although she remains the Boss! Having water & snacks at regular intervals and also replenishing them for others ensures help in chores. Each one updating a list of supplies going low/new stuff wanted is a huge help.
· No screen time during meals…needs to be consumed by all ideally together, more quality conversations, stories and laughter. When the meal is cooked by all together anyway the focus in my place was on the meal itself.
· No disturbance while on work or homework. Being Mindful here helps. We use paper messages on urgent issues as mostly while on work people are already on the phone.
· A common activity in which each one participates like baking, painting, storytelling, board games, etc. Each experience is a dose of trying a pizza with my kind of toppings or deeper bonding, love, unlearning & relearning. Young Master Chefs / Musicians / Artists are in progress.
· Taking turns to support elderly/needy people and making calls to check on others. Listening to them, their worries and doing something more than just reassuring them matters. Catching each other doing right things and appreciating it – like when I called an aunt her phone kept ringing & later, I learnt she had finished her yoga and was washing her hands – Awesome I said to her you are our inspiration! Doing some errands of food & medicine for them is so much appreciated.
· A morning & evening prayer of gratitude towards each other and others is helping in the overall environment of uncertainty & anxiety, to Happiness! Sitting together for 50 minutes (as we Jains have a Samayik) singing hymns, reading a story etc is so powerful.
With lines of home and work not just blurred, but overlapping, it’s time to do the best in the moment and plan for avoiding mishaps. I missed an important call due to a sudden pain in my arm and did not remember to inform…I called up, said sorry. Our team agreed that we will call the member who is not logged in on time by phone. At work we mutually committed to keep our brand flying high by responding to internal & external customers in a timely manner. An innovative CRM policy writing began as each one of us could fill in via mail which seems to drawing a great response.
Let’s commit 10 minutes daily to Caring, Sharing, Listening and Speaking to someone known and someone unknown daily. The need for this is unthinkable and can be like a soothing balm in these uncertain times. We all need to be Connectors and look out for Connectors in this disconnected yet connected world of networks. It’s a small action point with unlimited choices and options. As I think about the problems of the daily wage earners/ freelancers I feel it’s important for each one of us to contribute to their better survival – share some rations & supplies / offer some work or care to them and their families, as together we will tide over better. Be aware to do your bit for Environment & society also as a give back. The rewards are blessings in disguise that we may or may not realise immediately. In the long run you will bond deeper and be able to deal with any crisis easily. This time will soon pass.
Let’s start with an action to remain inside the house and still be socially available to speak / listen to someone who needs it asap! Oh, my pug is already awaiting my attention…
Author: Naveen Khajanchi is an alumnus of INSEAD. He is CEO of NKH Foundation Pvt. Ltd. which is into Leadership Search, Executive Coaching & Training for leaders of Large Corporates.
Twitter: @naveenkhajanchi
Instagram: @naveenkhajanchi
Website: www.naveenkhajanchi.com
Leadership Search | Executive Coaching | Insead Alumnus
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Leadership Search | Executive Coaching | Insead Alumnus
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