Happy Children’s Day, My Abundant Friend!
When I was little back in China, in a small suburb town, this day was my happiest day!
We would have a big parade and celebration in the school, every year on this day. All the kids would wear their new and beautiful dress. Parents and relatives all bless us a happy day. We could get some delicious treats, more special than usual. Every class stand together to wait for the turn of our parade on the outdoor big playground of the school. I could still remember our happy faces, excitement, and hope for a brighter life…
I don’t know why here in the USA why schools, the government and families are not celebrating the International Children’s Day, something big I feel is what many kids miss these days here in the USA, while putting their heads down in their heavy homework and endless computer games, or friends chat or videos…
Shouldn’t we change that!
Now after searched around the world, worked in international and Fortune 100 companies, and practicing coaching for over decades, as an Abundant Entrepreneurship and Thought Leadership Coach, I realized that one of my most abundant time was definitely when I was just a kid, when I was exploring freely in nature, running on the hills, playing by the river side, catching tadpoles and insects, doing simple outdoor games and exercises with friends, reading a lot of books, happily going to the school, and staying hours in the nature observing different plants and insects ……
That time, most people were poor, my parents had very little salary just barely enough for our basic food and clothes, but we seemed have abundant food from all sorts of resources, abundant relationships in communities, people often visit each other’s homes and treat each other for meals, neighbors all know each other even beyond streets, barely see any beggar on the street, the biggest crime was some very occasional and small theft as I could remember, sometimes I forgot to close our door and did not need worry about to be stolen, we had abundant laughter, fair amount of homework, and abundant outdoor time…
Actually, there were many tough days if I would recall, many difficulties during that time as well, including some people with poor education and would argue and gossip and fight like forever; my dad beat us hard when we were little to discipline us even though he loves us, fortunately later when my sister and I became older and excellent students knowing more knowledge than him, he never beat us any more; those scary vaccines, struggling toothaches, embarrassing constipations, horrible doctors visiting times, ghost haunting story nights, sleepless nights with study and tests stress, super hot and humid days without ACs, super cold days without heating systems, and heavy rainy days with muddy slippery hill roads between the school and home...but Why am I mainly remembering those happy times for my childhood?!:)
Abundance is really not about how much money or materials we have, is really not about where we are and how many places we visit, is really not about how successful we are in work or business…… abundance itself is unconditional, and it’s in our attitude for life, it’s in our prospect and vision for life…
May we all enjoy today as a Child, no matter how old you are! May we all enjoy every day as a Child, no matter what is going on in your life and work… Celebrate such a day, as it’s the only one of your life.
We are here meant to be a child in our heart forever, and to be abundant no matter what we have or not, and to be blessed and grateful for simply being here as a human, to experience everything abundantly created already, and to create everything that we want!
Want to know my plan for today? After my work and kids school, we will go outside to have a great dinner to celebrate, would buy a new cloth for each of my kids, and disserts for us, and we will talk a lot about our day, our friends, the books we read, and our dreams... A day they would remember with joy.
Happy Children’s Day, my dear friend, It Is For You!
Love and blessings,