Happy Canada Day!
I can't think of any better image to put in here that a beautiful, proud daughter of Canada, by the lake with her flag. Yeah, I know I am a sappy sod, but please read on.
I know, I am couple days early...personally I feel we should have Canada Day week..one just does not cut it. I have been very lucky, being traveled many countries. Some were first world nations, but I have had a chance to see third world nations as well as some conflict zones.
Travel (as long as one does it with an open mind and polite curiosity) opens your mind, educates you, gives you empathy, understanding and acceptance of the world around you. I believe, naively perhaps, that half of the world's problems could be solved if we knew each other's situation we live in. History, geopolitics and economy of each nation varies greatly, and when one cannot relate to others, it breeds suspicion and hostility.
Here at home, we have it very good. Ok, I know, taxes are high, cost of everything except wages is going up. Governments are spending our money faster than they can print it. I will give you that. On the other hand, security forces do not break into your house in the middle of the night to take away your husband, wife, mom, dad or child who is never to be heard again. When you go hike in the woods you will never step on a land mine loosing your leg(s). Your child does not pick up a toy car that explodes in his/her hand killing the child. You have right to an attorney and fair and speedy trial. You have right to own property, not only your home but business or cottage as well! Boys and girls can attend school, even post secondary. You daughter can be rocket scientist with a PhD! Rights and freedoms seem to only matter to us after they are taken away. We do have more growing up to do as far as I see. We have hangups about people's gender sexual preference and so on. Really?? Read your history, it ain't nothing new. Oh yes, I forgot, you do right to be ignorant. Refugees?? Please, be my guest, go live in Aleppo for 24 hours (if you live that long), and we will if that will give your attitude some adjustment.
We have riches in the ground, natural resources, robust economy and our standard of living is very good. Three oceans border us, we are second largest country by total area; fourth largest by land mass. We have mountains, prairies, forests, lakes (and big ones at that!), tundra and even a desert.
And we have our people. All of them. Beautiful, hardy, industrious, ingenious, intelligent and at times stubborn, (think of Vimy Ridge), people. Some have born here, some families have been here for generations and some of us just got here.