Valentina Morina
Founder of Unifique | Tech enthusiast | Creative | Helping Start-ups to SME's scale their DEI tech teams in Europe ??
Happy mental health day everyone!
I am incredibly happy to see how many people are starting to talk about mental health and how many businesses are ACTUALLY doing something about it. It goes without saying that everyone at some point has gone through a stage where our mental health needed some or a lot of work, we are human after all. Now it's about working on being open about it and talking to someone and having someone listen to you. Whether it's a stranger, a family member or friend, people will listen and hear you out. You are NOT alone.
I'm a little nervous about posting this because I have never publicly spoken out about it. But hey, you need to practice what you preach right? I've been through many stages in life where my mental health hasn't been at its best and hit some very low points, but I decided to get help and as soon as I started to speak to my family, friends and partner things began to eventually change and all of a sudden life didn't seem so overwhelming anymore. I took each day as it came and have now reached the point, where I know how to handle the breakdowns if they were to occur again.
Don't get me wrong, I work in recruitment, there are always stressful days, haha! BUT we have a great system at work where we check up on each other if we see someone feeling down or being a little quiet. My manager is absolutely brilliant when it comes to making sure that we have a healthy wellbeing and provide any support when required. This is what we ALL need, to embrace and break the stigma when it comes to mental health. This is definitely changing but we have a very long way to go.
If you see someone looking sad or something doesn't quite feel right about their body language and you just get that gut feeling, PLEASE speak to them even if it's a complete stranger, because you have no idea what impact being kind, sharing a smile and offering a helping hand will have to someone who might be suffering especially silently.
So, on this day and EVERYDAY, smile, be kind, be human and don’t judge. You’ll never know when you will need someone to listen & return the favour.
Feel free to comment, share, reach out for a chat, do what makes you feel happy! :)