Vivian Greene
Invest in Love? Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass..It's about learning to Dance in the rain.?Vivian Greene
Two of the most amazing men in my life have birthdays today and I have a forthcoming gift for each of them because they have been such an incredible gift in my life and others.
Patch Adams, as you have seen Robin Williams play in the hilarious movie is FOR REAL. This doctor has been healing people all over the world for FREE and training other doctors (and Clowns!) to make the world a happier healthier more compassionate loving place.
When I was immobilized two years ago and could not even reach my own doctors a mile away; he would return a call within 24 hours from Kabul. I had never met him in person. I sent him a Kisses greeting card thanking him for the difference he makes in the world. Could there be a better example of my trademark "Invest in Love?"?
Happy 76th birthday Hunter Doherty "Patch" Adams (born May 28, 1945)!
My other dear friend who has taken so many of the lovely pictures of me you've seen here on Linkedin was born today too! Ed Foster, at 92 was a professor in NY... He happens to be quite a good singer/entertainer. When he retired from teaching, he followed his passion as a photographer. He moved to Las Vegas where he can see shows and take photos to his heart's content - marvelous stars, and (thank you -me, at the INTERNATIONAL LICENSING SHOW and GLOBAL CROWDFUNDING AWARDS and. well, you get the idea.
Look what crowdfunding is doing today: $45 million and counting even during the pandemic. https://www.gofundme.com/f/AmericasFoodFund
To quote Google, Gemini men are "Enthusiastic, charming and clever the Gemini man is good at almost anything he puts his mind to, and can make anyone laugh. Add this to his light and inquisitive personality and he has a lot of sex appeal. He is very friendly and communicative by nature, and this can sometimes be seen as flirtatious." So true!
I am planning some very unique events/ crowdfunding campaigns for each of them. Please stay on board, and help me, okay?
?2021 Vivian Greene VivianGreene.com [email protected]
Invest in Love? All that is real is seen with the heart.?. viviangreene.com