Happy Birthday Singapore!!! Great Job Leading the Parade Chris TANG!!!
Bernard PEH [Data Scientist] [.
I work on Investments Analytics/Speculations, Biz Devt, Financials, AI & Data Science. I also write/code/train/curate/publish courses on the above. #investments #AI #datascience #python #PBI #FA #ACLP
In a more muted Celebration amid Covid 19, we take great joy to celebrate our nation's Birthday. Our government had done very well in the Covid 19 war, I salute them for having taken so many tough decisions in this fight.
Decisions that can be very unpopular but necessary. Decisions that can be very expensive but will curb immediate suffering and bring back strategic high yields down the road.
It is in trying time one can evaluate performance. Great Job Singapore!
Great Job Chris, you must have ran less and cook less during this period. Hahaha, I miss your kids man, catch up soon :>