Happy Birthday Google!
I would like to start a petition to which would endow all of us that survived our education process without Google! Take whatever Degree, Certification or any other education we achieved and either award the next level up AND/OR tag it with "BG" signifying that it was obtained "Before Google"
Back in the day..... It took much more effort to gain knowledge. Heavy text books were often presented in the author(s) point of view and would only have content which they learned of from other books or first hand knowledge. (SO much was missing from our history text books!) Missing Library cards, previously checked out books and late fees were our nemesis. "Brick and Mortar", learning was your ONLY choice. Encyclopedias took up bookshelves and were only owned by the few who purchased from the door to door sales rep.
Don't even get me started on writing assignments in pen, without "cut and paste" or spelling and math without Spell Check or Excel! I get anxiety just thinking of having to do things the old way!
I'm not usually one for claiming entitlements, but I think I have a few friends who would join me on this one! So if you see two additional letters behind my professional credentials, you know what I've done there. ??