Happy Birthday, Child Guarantee
Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament with Eurochild President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

Happy Birthday, Child Guarantee

Last Friday marked the second anniversary of the publication of the European Child Guarantee proposal. Many countries still need to submit their National Action Plans and the ones that have been submitted vary in content, scope, and details in measures; some plans are more developed than others. You can see our overview here. We strongly believe that civil society organisations and children across Europe should be consulted by decision-makers to effectively fight the increasing levels of poverty.

Our President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca had a series of meetings with high-level EU decision-makers in the European Commission and European Parliament. Her Excellency handed over our (In)visible Children report on children in need across Europe to members and discussed how the EU can fight child poverty on the ground.

On 4 March Eurochild partnered with the UN in the organisation of Regional Dialogues with children on online violence. During the discussion, three representatives of Eurochild’s Children’s Council, as well as children from our member organisations, voiced their opinions and concerns.

Last week we also launched the Day Project – Democratic Activation of Youth and held a child participation workshop in Naples, Italy. The project will pilot child participation mechanisms between students and local decision-makers targeting three city districts with poor social and economic indicators in relation to early school leavers, education, poverty, and social exclusion.

Eurochild members are also invited to save the date for our upcoming General Assembly & Members Day 2023 happening online on 16 - 17 May. Further information is available in the Members’ Room.

Other updates:

Denmark's Child Guarantee National Action Plan - An overview

Irish Government is failing to deliver on its commitment to youth mental health

Contribution to the European Commission Consultation on Fighting Human Trafficking

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