Happy Bad Year 2019

Happy Bad Year 2019

It seems that 2018 was one of the worst any can remember when it comes to financial wellness and 2019 is set to make 2018 look like a chump if voices are not raised along with awareness to what the root cause of our ultimate demise is.

This past year we saw in the news Jeff Bezos of Amazon take much of the heat over the topic of livable (survivable) wages with its horror stories shared by workers past and present regarding what kind of life they don't have working for Amazon.

But let’s be fair to Amazon they have built their business on the same principles nearly every other warehouse has and it would make a lot of sense that Jeff Bezos has not been thinking out of the box enough even with the robots he employs to understand the reason why the fate of his company is destined to experience the same demise of his competition as he admits is coming.

It’s clear he does not think any different than the average American tycoon. But it would benefit him and the world to the greatest extent if he did because he lacks an understanding of how influence really works, he raised minimum wage to $15/hr and thought that was good enough to make him the hero but that was a MacGyver move to make it look like he was doing some exceptional in the face of others instead of actually doing something exceptional for his own good.

For he failed to see that if he did the right thing to solve the root of the problem his foot steps would force his competition to do the same and the result of that would be an unstoppable domino effect that would cause a tsunami of profit to return his way for doing so, because he would be able to break the dreaded curse he self-prophesied about and the economy along with his business benefits eternally for doing so.

Maybe he does not understand how to multiply the talents as he should because he has not read his Bible enough and in knowing the truth would realize if he does the right thing he saves his company along with his fellow companies and that results in real sustainability for him and Amazon along with the whole world as large as his company is. The more money there is in the hands of the workers who represent the majority of all big Amazon spenders the more money his company and shareholders make. It’s known as the cost of doing business and it forces leaders to stop micro managing their organizations from the stove pipes of profits and customer satisfaction. News flash every fast food joint in American would see a tremendous change in their profits and sales volumes the moment the customer goes to the drive thru get high energy and happiness, respect and a perfectly filled order all because their employees can’t live and breath free from the stress of how they are going to take care of their families. In and Out Burger see’s this and did something still not enough but hey at least their managers make 160K a year.

Jeff Bezos many times has gone on the record saying Amazon will suffer the fate it's former mega retailers like Sears have if they don't do something different to keep that fate of bankruptcy at bay.

But the truth of the matter is the only reason any corporation fails is due to lack of economic feasibility and sustainability when they continue to follow the status quo wrongful footsteps.

All businesses fail if they do that eventually because no one is brave enough to leave the box.

Congress this past year grilled Jeff Bezos for not paying its employees a livable (survivable) wage and while they had one finger pointing at him for not doing right by his employees, they had three fingers pointing back at themselves for the reason any employee regardless of who they work for struggles to make a living these days.

Congress abandon the principles of modern money mechanics and GAAP accounting they established with their game of monopoly all of us are forced to play in order to merely survive by not keeping up with minimum wage at the real rate of inflation.

Doing the right thing here would have saved social security decades ago because 7% of $10/hr is much lower than 7% of $30/hr making the pot of the money pool three times larger enabling it to survive the dreaded doomsday Congress says is unstoppable.

It didn’t help that Congress also never made moves to protect the social security funds seeding the trust accounts but rather made a general fund out of the contributions making matters worse for retiring seniors who by the way should now give up on the idea they can survive todays real cost of living. My suggestion is getting over that expectation it was a lie and you will regret retiring now just ask anyone today who recently did and does not have a two income household.

Congress is the sole blame where the subject of a livable (survivable) wage is concerned because they are the one who stopped regulating and enforcing the minimum wage sufficient to keep up with the real cost of living and made matters worse creating a way to masquerade it for the very definition of cost of living should be re-worded to say cost of survival when they created the consumer price index.

Leaders of companies are tasked with figuring out how to run a profitable business after the real cost of doing business is established and that cost must include a wage of no less than $30/hr.

The CPI uses averages and manipulates the appearance of inflation for the benefits of banks.

For a single person living today in the United States they must make at minimum enough to pay for housing $980.00/mo national average for one bedroom of which landlords require an applicant prove they make three times the rent before an approval can be granted.

No assumption on law of averages should be applied that counts on two to make a household because that is not the American way nearly half of America lives alone.

The next thing a single person must pay is electric $79.00/mo national average and water/trash/sewer of $69.00/mo national average. Then we have phone service 35.00/mo national average. Car payment $210.00/mo national average and gasoline of $280.00/mo because gas prices are artificially high and national credit ratings are lower than credit reporting agencies are publishing.

Car insurance for average American is $169.00/mo national average because CLUE (Comprehensive Lose Underwriting Evaluation) data shows every claim for any kind of insurance and punishes each insured for claims filed causing massive increases each and every year. Alternative for non-drivers commute expenses taking buses or public transit is $290.00/mo average excluding Uber to the park and ride for those who live too far from a bus stop which adds and additional $171.00/mo average commute expenses.

Then add cost of food for most working Americans of $630.00/mo (using 7 dollars a meal 3 times a day at McDonalds because employers keep them away from home and family per attendance policies).

The reason this cost is not based on people going to grocery stores is because going to a fast food joint to eat is the only way employees can eat as companies that force employees on 4/10 hour days with mandatory overtime of 2 hours above that fail to realize REALITY, and have lost all common sense of what is reasonable because most Americans that live only 15 minutes form their work place are then forced to deal with 2 hour commutes into work and two hours commutes home after work because the time they are required to be to work and leave is during the rush hour. Let’s not forget employees need to arrive at least 15 minutes early to find parking and rush into the building to punch a clock as if they were not already on the real clock the moment they left their homes and got in their car or took the bus to get to work.

This means the average American worker is now on the hook for 4 hours of commute they don't get paid for and an 8/10 or 12 hour work day making their total commitment to one employer their only possible source of wage and in the case of Amazon is a 16 hour endeavor on the regular which is why you see they get so much static from the public meaning those workers only have time to sleep, wake up take a shower and get back to work.

Then add in the cost of state and administrative things a person must pay for like driver license and vehicle registration and inspection which averages $230/yr and breaks down to $19/mo and supplies needed in a household for cleaning and bathroom expenses $40/mo, then medical insurance at $230/mo dental insurance $11/mo, state taxes $260/mo federal taxes $310/mo and out of pocket medical expense $190/mo coming to a total of $2882/mo leaving nothing at 34,584.00 to purchase good at Amazon or any other retailer with as $16.62/hr is what is bare essential to live on getting everything at the lowest possible cost and level of quality which carries health consequences. If the majority of Americans are making this or less its not just Amazon that is in trouble its everyone.

Because like I said as is obvious and self-evident the math does not lie and tells only the truth there is no money to spend on anything else which is why in order for companies to thrive and stay in business minimum wage must change to $30/hr.

You have to work two jobs if you make less than $16.62/hr to earn the needed and required disposable money that enables consumers to buy anything above bare essential and broke life styles to support business, jobs and profit. It’s common sense, the only reason it’s been working as long as it has is because people are using credit cards and making minimum payments when they max out those cards we see recessions because of the massive absence of real disposable money and layoff follow causing problems for everyone making higher amounts of money.

If you don’t give the bottom enough money to play monopoly the whole game comes to an end.

Imagine having to sell your soul just to survive and not live that so-called American Dream.

The truth that you only get out of a thing what you put into it so if you don’t put enough in you won’t’ get enough back. It’s the basic principle of sustainability where this game of monopoly is concerned the international bankers created it and the free markets have abandon these principles because of fear, need and greed the worse demons to ever exist.

The truth is the majority of Americans are living the American Nightmare, so the elite can live the American Dream and there is not nice way to say it and this truth will be met with much disdain as those in the possession of the life style that defines the American Dream are sure to have issues with their conscious after facing that brutal truth.

I'm not writing this because I'm angry or disgruntled and I'm not anyone including Jeff Bezos enemy; instead I should be looked at as the hero instead because I'm revealing the very root of the problem keeping business down as we all experienced in 2018. Facing this truth head on and dealing with it constructively will solve problems and stimulate business contrary to the so-called experts opinions. Something strange about opinions and facts is that they are like oil and water and can never mix. The facts are the only thing which can solve the problems Jeff Bezos brings up when he talks about his predictions of the demise of Amazon.

The real reason all retailers are failing after around 30 years is because they all blindly believe the government data on inflation and the economy and past as our witness its repeating because no one is taking or making time to understand the root cause instead they are continuing to do what they have always done expecting a different outcome which will never come. If you want to know the truth keep reading it’s in here. In order to solve a problem, we must fully understand and respect it. On with the story of the typical American worker.

Where Amazon is concerned it’s like most warehouse jobs they force their workers to commit to 4/10 hour days and then at last minutes notice tell those workers they have to work 2 more hours with no extra break and then do the same when it comes to the days they are required to work making a 4/10 a 5/12 or 6/12 with a policy limit they can't require more than 6 days of work per week.

But Amazon is not the one to blame for that the industry of fulfilment and warehousing is and Unions don't help solve that problem as many think for if they did people under their protection would be making $30/hr instead of $7.25/$10.10/$12.50/$15.00/hr because $30/hr is a livable survival wage. $30.00 is the current real minimum wage in 2019 the math never lies.

Its disrespectful of an employer to ask their employee (the heart of their company) to work beyond 8 hours unless they are paying them a livable wage. The reason is if an employee can't live/survive working one job since wages are not keeping up with the real measure of inflation thanks to the CPI but instead calculated on averages and false numbers which manipulate the appearance of things for the sake of ledger profits that are aimed at appealing to the illusion of it where shareholders are concerned; instead of presenting the reality of the facts those employees would be able to commit to working for two or three employers to make ends meet to simply survive at the most basis and civilized level.

With companies like Amazon they can't offer employees that because those kinds of companies are in fact greedy and want your heart, soul, life and all you have til your heart stops beating and in the end will shun it off as saying hard work is healthy for you while the reality is its not because you can't eat a healthy meal and nor do they (employers) give you one when you are there your whole life but instead they contract with a vendor to bring in next to dog food quality meals to eat from Deli Express and charge you 4 times the cost to eat it. For example, Amazon a retailer that prides itself in best price, service, product to public consumers would not do as Google and Microsoft do and make healthy food for its most valuable asset (you) instead they bring in some vendor who splits profits of the goods sold to its employees with them instead of selling it at cost like they should.

Not realizing that the 4-hour commute at $4/gallon for gas is costing them about $280.00/mo and they don't have money to be gouged just trying to eat to harness the energy needed to make it through 16 hour mega stressful days. That is why you see all of these articles talking about slave labor practices because employers are out of touch with reality of the math.

The world runs on time and money and it's so simple no one in the mindset of profit can ever understand it because the narcissism starts kicking in and its always about me/myself and I (the company stakeholders mindset). Truth is most of the employers in the labor industry really think the job is so easy a monkey could do it yet none of these leaders or executives could survive 6 months of it.

I challenge any executive or leader who thinks he can commute 4 hours a day and work 12 hour 6 day work weeks picking and packing at Amazon and live on their own with only the wages they earn for longer than 6 months it will never happen because the math won't allow it. The only reason it works for all who do it is because nearly all of the employees working there live with parents or have a spouse or partner to help them financially.

Leaders who think any monkey can do it and read books written by lunatics that assume and write such things need to try doing it themselves. You will find those people who think, write and say such things in only six months will have stress levels like they have ever experienced, have high blood pressure and heart problems because they simply don't have time to make something healthy to eat as the schedule don't accommodate it for any who work at such places.

We are not looking out for one another and driving each other to the grave over problems which leaders are hired to solve. If the leaders of any company in America are so smart, they can find a way to deal with paying employees no less than $30/hr while keeping their companies profitable and much of that will occur on auto pilot because the math supports it.

The game we are all forced to play here is called monopoly and when you don't have money you can't play the game. Its so very simple many leaders can't see it because they are putting all of their focus in the wrong areas and selling the company down the river and losing their jobs as a result. If we continue to do what we have always done, we are going to face a downturn simply because the banker of this monopoly game didn't see to it you had enough to stay in the game.

I mean if you can't live, you are never going to be able to buy anything in the merchants world and when that occurs with a small number and erodes into the larger group soon none will have any disposable money to spend on anything other than bare bone essentials and even then eventually nothing at all because the wages are not keeping up with the true cost of living/surviving. If the economy does not have enough money, they will not buy and companies like Amazon can't see to those who have no money to play the game of monopoly. The workers get laid off and join the poor, the leaders eventually join them on the unemployment line and the company tried to survive its mistake of worshipping profit in the spirit of greed and me/myself and I.

Our world and society are connected and must remain that way and do so in perfect balance or else there will be bankruptcies and companies like Amazon will be out of business like the rest of them. Pay the wage or face self-destruction it’s the only way you can seed the economy to keep the merchant cycle sustainable. It's not rocket science coming from an IT engineer its common sense and doing for others what you would have them do unto you.

The Majority Rule Mindset is a major problem. The problem with the majority rule and averages that contribute to slowly destroying our countries economy and creating disenchantment with workers is one size does not fit all. To put it in a way that will force everyone to comprehend how wrong a majority rule society is on the public its necessary to use an offensive and brutal example of why it’s not right to calculate matters of money using these averages that stand the chance of impacting millions who don't belong to the group that benefits more from the numbers figured each and every year and why we have rising homelessness in America as a result.

Consider how fair a majority rule would be to women if there were a law that said everyone in favor of women giving sexual favors to men for just walking by them say I and the majority of congress being men all say I? The women would then be required to do something they don't desire or consent to do proving a majority rule does not serve our countries true interest and never has.

Because it’s crazy and absurd that women would be required to do something for a man simply because a male majority in congress felt it would be most beneficial for them that a law like that be passed. But that is exactly what happens to the losing minority every time a rule or law is passed by the majority rule its evil and must be eradicated from society.

We must insist on the leaders to see that doing the right thing for their workers is the right thing towards their own survival as well as all parties who have a hand in the profits and success of the business.

Doing the right thing has historically been frowned upon by lower ranked leaders within organizations but only because they feel they have to be politically correct and move with the consensus which is why no matter what signs or mottos any company puts on its walls to encourage its workforce with none of it is ever executed in deed because none believe a company really thinks, and feels that way especially when what is self-evident such as in the case with Amazon is quite the opposite in action.

Interesting point on that is many Amazon employees say that Jeff Bezos has these statements on the walls everywhere about being assertive and speaking your mind but when they try to do those very things are retaliated against as if they did something wrong and offended the partners who ever they are. This is why we don’t see change because none have enough courage to write things like this much less do the right thing as they fear backlash.

On that note I must say what I’ve written about and exposed as the root cause of all that causes us to live in bad environments these days with neighborhood is such bad shape is lack of money to make it all the way it used to be simple because wages never kept up with the so-called free markets.

It’s a shame that any would think of me as the enemy after writing such things when in fact the very article has within it the solution to all that is wrong today which in principle should make me the good guy but we all know there are those who are just not ready to embrace prosperity to all for the sake of their own survival as they might not ever grasp the concept as all they have ever known is need and greed.

But a final note on those who think they have money and power and think wrongfully they have full control. They don’t they are subject to the ones that make the company what it is and will never have the kind of authority they believe they have because many of them never fully understood who really runs their companies and who are the real chiefs. They are the international bankers and they are what many call the government.

Because our government is in fact a bank known by all as the Federal Reserve Bank doing business as the UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY.

Presidents don't run countries they run corporations and other companies are forced to incorporate into that master corporation we know as United States if they want to do business with its citizens.

The United States is not a country and never was rather America is a country with no leader in charge of it nor has there ever been. Citizens are corporate employees not natural people aka men and women in the flesh and blood sense.

People don't live in a corporation they live in a country known as America. The United States has countless laws that are binding on only those who contract with it. Therefore, when a company wants to incorporate in the United States, they are in essence inserting themselves much like a merging company would into that master corporation whose policies become binding on the incoming company by the mere acts of the incorporating event.

In this way the founders of the United States Corporation Company (international bankers) assure ownership of every company that desires to be part of the publicly traded community where their businesses can really take off thanks to those initial investments made by the international bankers brokers who invest into the new comers they see have potential to rise helping them to remain silent partners well out of the spotlight.

These international bankers love that CEO’s like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are known as the most wealthy in the land when the truth is those men are broke in comparison to the undocumented trillionaires they are as a result of this very setup.

This is where public policy binds any corporation that files articles of incorporation and for the international bankers that created this racket is why all companies must adhere to that as the defacto policy and any attempt of a company to create a policy of its own which conflicts Public Policy is instantly guilty of violating the doctrine of ultra vires which states no public or private company policy can hold itself higher than the laws at large aka Statues at Large or above the congress that assembles to decide everything every company that incorporates into United States Corporation Company does and must do in order to remain in business.

For this all companies are held to the law of their pledge to the United States when they incorporate or effectively merge with United States Corporation Company whose primary shareholders are the very international bankers that govern the Federal Reserve Bank.

This is why all companies in America must adhere to the laws of the master corporation UNITED STATES. For United States is not in America but it resides on paper and has capital in the financial sense in DC (District of Columbia) which is not territory of America but is in fact its own country and has its own constitution and laws different than those of America with only 10 commandments and those contracts and compacts between the signing parties of the CEO’s of every company which resides physically in America but adhere to ie: The Constitution, The Articles of Confederation, The Declaration of Independence, The Northwest Papers, The Bill of Rights, and All Statues passed by the entity many know as the government.

There are only 10 optional laws in America and they are the 10 commandments and I say optional because the rights of free will and the gift of dominion over all the earth will prevail over those 10 instructions (being assumed mandatory) that are given with the intent to help those who count themselves wise might adhere to them to live a profitable life in the multidimensional sense.

This is because good was created with evil in this world of duality and one cannot exist without the other for both define one another and both work toward a natural mission of helping all who experience either side of that reality to learn firsthand by right or wrong making those who chose wrong to learn how mistakes become their greatest teacher and learn firsthand that the original commandment offered as only ideas any could accept or reject aka take or leave should they trust aka believe in them and if not would learn by trial and error why they are the gold standard to live by and should never be ignored.

For we all know from firsthand experience the one who learns his lessons the hard way becomes the greater authority on what works from what does not and its these ones we call the subject matter experts.

These SME’s know by trial and error good is the only path and profitable way to conduct ones business and manage ones relationships as they have earned it first hand and need not make decisions by theories or educated guesses as all truth become absolute to them.

This is not anything a school can teach, nor would they nor would a college or university attempt to ever try because the effort would be to massive to pursue learning in this fashion. Notice how no one leaves a college or university with hands on experience but rather only knowledge of subject in a theoretical or philosophical perspective and still need to be trained on the job to learn how to do the things a company expects in action items?

But all newcomers that choose the difficult path may not be doing so because they are evil rather simply because they want to experience the struggle firsthand to better comprehend and respect all it has to offer outside of wisdom and our world was fashion to allow that exact experience to be possible and the creator knew all who travel that path once they have learned enough would return to the path offered by those 10 commandments gladly and happily without force as if it were their idea to begin with.

So how do I prove the commandments are optional and not mandatory?

The etymology of the word commandment breaks down as follows. Command=instruct and Ment=mind therefore those are not to be tied or mistaken for relation to any religion but rather a grand creator of all that is and ever was who is known by all as simply the father in heaven.

He has no name and no title and does not suggest we use one to define or describe him therefore the term GOD in the sense of creator of one’s own destiny comes into question because there can be many GOD's when understood from that vantage point. Now know that the word government breaks down the same way govern=control and ment again mean mind.

Now ask yourself would you rather have a commandment or a government, one instructs the mind with optional ideas founded on the premise of the gift of free will endowed by our creator and the other is forced upon you as it seeks to control your mind to a degree you feel powerless to do anything about the circumstances that come as a result of pledging to it or embracing it.

The reason this has importance in this article is because we fail to see what real energy is behind all our troubles today because a veil has been put over this truth to keep us acting and doing things in a calculated and certain way so as not to disrupt the way things have always been done so those who benefit from such traditions in fact the real creators of all traditions, rituals, ceremonies, and holidays, can continue to reap all that is harvested in money and credit until a time it all catches up with the architects of it all the international bankers.

The real illusion before us is none are seeking the truth of why things are not as they should be in true balance and that is why disclosing this truth is important to bring to any readers awareness.

The goal of revealing this truth is not to change anyone's beliefs but only to make you aware to the point you will try to deny and disprove it. For law is contract and contract is whatever two parties agree to and will always be so.

There is a difference between what is lawful and legal just as there is unlawful and illegal so make time to learn the differences because it is the only thing that can make you free from the illusion, we've all been living while playing the international banker’s game of monopoly. For anyone who has eyes to see can quickly figure out that all so called laws are aimed at reporting and directing all knowledge of money and the transactions thereof to the international bankers for they are the all seeing eye on the dollar bill and have done all they can to assure they have a hand in everyone’s pockets and doing it in such a way none are the wiser since most are educated to accept whatever they are told and not to question authority.

If you feel some kind of way about this article express, it below in the comments because until our voices are heard and common sense comes of it we don’t stand a chance of surviving a few more years of this. Everything that happens to the underpaid working class today affects everyone all the way to the top tomorrow. You’d have to be so blind not to see that.


Justin Kalis (L.I.O.N)的更多文章

