Happy Anniversary: Reflecting on 24 Years of Growth
This is not something I often talk about, but today marks a special anniversary that brings back memories of a journey that began 24 years ago. I was recently asked to speak about something I was told I couldn't do but did anyway. This reflection made me think about this transformative chapter of my life.
On November 6th, 2000, at the age of 20, I packed my bags and moved to New York, embarking on a whole new adventure. It's amusing to think that back then, I felt "so old," while now I see 20-year-olds as kids (reminding myself that they’re actually adults!).
My goal was simple yet ambitious: to study Marketing and Communications. I had already studied Advertising but felt there was more to learn. Did I have the money to study in the U.S.? Not at all. But I believed I could make it happen. I told myself "I can" about a hundred times, even when I didn’t fully believe it, until eventually, it became my truth.
The journey was challenging. I juggled multiple jobs—starting at a laundromat, then moving on to a clothing store and waiting tables—all while taking 15 credits each semester. I was working full-time with mostly no weekends off. Those years in New York weren't always the best, but they made me incredibly resilient. I pushed through 39-degree fevers, worked with a broken tailbone just 30 minutes after injuring it, and faced countless challenges as a young woman alone in a crazy city. I gained 70 pounds in five years, going from size 6 to 16, becoming a different person inside and out. But for all the hardships, there were also incredible positives. I made lifelong friends, learned things no classroom could teach, stood up for myself, and truly lived life on my own terms. I accomplished things that only real-world experience can bring.
While my journey has been filled with incredible experiences and growth, it's important to acknowledge that it hasn't always been smooth sailing. There have been moments of real depression, tears, and even instances of bullying. I've experienced heartbreak and faced numerous challenges. However, I choose not to dwell on these difficult times because they are an integral part of life's journey.Had I not taken that leap of faith to move abroad, I might never have landed my job at Yelp. That opportunity arose because of my familiarity with the platform, which I gained during my time overseas. This experience ignited my passion for community building, eventually leading me to an amazing role at Canva.
Life is a rollercoaster of ups and downs, and the true joy lies in accepting this reality and extracting the lessons that make you stronger from every experience. There will always be bumps along the road, but it's important to remember that the journey itself is leading you towards your destination.The key is to know what you want and to embrace everything that comes along with pursuing your dreams. In facing these challenges and surprises, we find the most excitement and growth. After all, it's the unexpected twists and turns that often lead us to the most rewarding destinations. That's why I recommend anyone consider living abroad. It's not just about leaving forever; it's about growing, learning who you are, and becoming independent. Whether you choose to return or stay, make that decision for yourself—free from others' judgments. Most importantly, remember to enjoy the journey, even when it’s tough—especially when you’re juggling work and full-time studies.
Cherish those small moments: the dollar hazelnut coffees from the deli and sesame bagels with cream cheese. These are the memories you'll treasure most. This experience taught me that with determination, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our dreams. It’s a lesson I carry with me to this day—24 years later. So chase your dreams; be a doer, not just a dreamer. Ultimately, what you’ll be left with are your memories.
I also want to give a heartfelt shoutout to New York City—a place that has always felt like home to me—and to all the incredible people who made it my home. Your support and camaraderie have been invaluable throughout this journey.
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