Happy 41 73 100 265 to CDHs not SDGs
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab
2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,
Actually sdg16 is too hard for me on this screen; so may we leave reconciliations between white & other sea lords to contributors to journal of new economics, at Smith's University of Glasgow -where we note in English latin syllable NAT =birth is common to nation & nature
consider CDH \/ United Nations SDG 1=15
let's see who prefers intelligence of linking Collaboration Development Humans as more joyfully actionable just proclamations of Sustainability Development Goals;
can we peoples of the 2020s fully value parents duty of intergenerational development?
I feel collaboration is far more simple word to see with than sustainability and the centre of humanity's gravity as a mothers love map simpler to integrate the united goodwill of 8 billion humans around than 17 goals (actually if we take a coms systems architecture lens : and celebrate HAI Human Artificial Intel scaling how brainworkers best spend time and data.
Being born 1923 in Kalingrad then Konisberg to a Scottish diplomat in charge of british intelligence on the evils of Hitler & Stalin
you could say my father Norman had a hunger for peaceful collaboration. This was compounded by being teen navigator allied bomber command burma; dad lucked out surviving, and in presence at keynes last class at cambridge on general theory of poverty museums design, and being sent from London as Economist's Rookie journalist in 1951 to go learn for a year from Von Neumann (Einstein, Turing) Princeton on their co-creation of engine type 6 (brainworkers engines) and intent to Unite peoples and nations . That was 73 years ago
Then 41 Years ago (!982) dad wrote a schools briefing in The Economist- why not Silicon Valley Everywhere? And I began co-authoring future web1-2-3 systems hypotheses with Norman including the 40 year future history 2025 reporting in American though we sneaked an English version our before steve jobs mack-apple launched his alternative to Orwell's big brother.
Ironically today the whole of millennials world (from the west - if there are to be human development futures #beyondextinction - still needs to collaborate with stanford intelligence mapmakers. Whilst Scots like me ( not a homeland recognised ever by UN or EU) have no ability to advise nationals, i would humbly ask americans : if you don't intend to vote for trump seek out one trumpist and suggest that they may be right that politics in dc has become broken BUT extreme nationalism is not what is needed from a world leader especially when the west coast of usa offers cooperation intelligence that the rest of the world's 7.6 billion beings seek to celebrate american dreams and intelligence around
In 1951, It was certainly von neumann's purpose to design machines fir brainworking to navigate beyond 4 exponential conflicts that he saw machines types 1 to 5 had spun by 1945 -
I think so but the proof of the pudding now comes from proposal that the UN opens up its 3rd operating space in us in stanford neighborhood its other two being NY and San Diego -as Bard says: The UN Office of Oceans and Law of the Sea (DOALOS)
The UN's presence in San Diego is important for a number of reasons. First, San Diego is a major center for ocean research and maritime activity. The UN's offices in San Diego play an important role in supporting this work.
This proposal may sound odd unless you look at network data I have been fortunate to map as one whose experience of UN is limited to few public events since 2015- notably the first 3 made a great impression on me. Sept 2015 I was at SDG2 (end hunger) day long launch sponsored by Ireland. Their PM said something like until recently its been a strain to speak on a world stage in english the mother tongue that starved half our people in mid 19th century but now we irish have played collaboration games with EU and US we'll have median incomes per head greater than americans by 2020 so we need to help lead reconciliation and intend to do so anywhere that needs support through collab intelligence in ending hunger and poverty. At an event a few months later. an Indian lady with at least 10 million followers was thanking the UN for making her rural networks centers of cooperation excellence in nanotechnology.
Then sept 2016 at UN HQ to complete the first year of reviewing sdg4 education ,health servant and then world bank leader jim kim stood up and said the goals will be fiction unless we transform silos around un world so that education, tech and last mile service skills come together. He mentioned : my Korean friend UN leader Ban Ki-Moon will double check Guterres sees this - highly likely because Guterres has spent his 21st c on bottom up health 9Portuguese red cross) and refugee service leadership (UN) and pope francis told us both its smart to share paulo freire edu culture and women empowerment entrepreneurs. And Melinda Gates is happy to help write up UN2 roadmapping if human artificial intel she has seen at stanfird can multiply womens moments of lift (the genre she is becoming world class publisher of).
So thats part of why Guterres choice of a hi level ai panel can benefit from a un space in stanford's WHYAIUNGOOD valley- celebrating human ai, womens ai, youth ai,Collaboration-D-Human good ai. -pilots welcome AIgames.solar
Another reason comes from Neumann briefings. In calling engine type 6 brainworking,
Neumann was at pains to observe that engine type 5 communication gravitated out of switzerland from 1865 was also good when cooperative and bad when competitive. Quite literally switzerland's ITU since 1865 has played role of uniting every standard of global telecoms corporations. Whats really odd, that dev potential was birthed into the UN itself from 1945 but until Jim Kim stood up seems not to have been integrated with new york let alone the other 50 practice branches of the UN.
I am sure that people with more info than me can applaud every step un2 roadmapping has blended with tech and community trusts around over the last 8 years but I do want to double check we see how stanford "squares" its double 2020s vision with both corporate and educational superpowers
A secret (in plain sight) of Stanfird is with 500 companies in its business par, the university and corporations square each others productivity. I dint think anywhere else in usa can claim this when you audit how much of the business park involves digital corporations of almost every type of discipline/secoir. While the notes below look at the trustee boards of park and university to understand the intelligence multipliers, arguments can be made that open source nature of imagenet and vision computing has started toi cube stanford's productive power. Certainly innovations like green which big corporate american might not lead fit open movements and mathematical wizardry with deep data. Also its worth noting a remark of von neumann's : in the futures of brainwork there should not be a need for long patents; any company multiplying good would with 6 months lead be able to choose most optimal partners to network with - that makes long patents unproductive. While I understand that view is not yet an american standard it may give hope that on green and on biotech huge ai leaps may be more often open sourced as indeed hassabis deep mind google have done with 200000 protein database subject to some well chosen ethical guardrails. All this redoubles debate on designing foundation models; i would far rather seen the world greatest mathematicians design regulation in urgent areas needing more good like nature/green than top down bureaucrats. Please note friends20 AI games players are here to learn in a decade when curiosity may be what we in favor of uniting humans and nations need to most celebrate millennials intelligence for.
update Stanford University Board of Trustees
Board Members
effective October 1, 2023
James Coulter (financier)
James Coulter is an American billionaire businessman. He is the co-founder of private equity firm TPG Capital, originally known as the Texas Pacific Group.
=== To verify , Bard says Board of Stanford Business Park includes these companies nominated connectors:
The current board of directors of the Stanford Research Park is as follows:
The board of directors of the Stanford Research Park is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the park and overseeing its operations. The board is made up of experienced business leaders and entrepreneurs who have a deep understanding of the technology industry.
Of course Stanford also has alumni associations connected mainly with the university including
Stanford-affiliated leadership networks, such as:
These are just a few examples of the many Stanford-affiliated leadership networks