Happy 30th. Birthday - Amazon
How quickly time flies! On this day of July 5, 1994 a new start-up by a 30-year old Jeff Bezos (Graduate of Princeton Univ. plus a few years as a Financial analyst) decided to sell books over the Internet. The phrase e-commerce was brand new. The name of the company was Cadabra which sounded like Cadaver. So it was changed to Amazon. When the dot-com-bust happened, many such companies closed their business, but not Amazon. Bezos jokingly said that he spells profit as "prophet". This little company changed the world of online shopping.
Today in 2024, $554B worth of goods are sold by Amazon just in America, which is 42% of American e-commerce, far beyond the 6% captured by its nearest rival Walmart. On June 26th. Amazon hit another milestone - its market value reached $2 Trillion dollars, 5th. in value after Microsoft, Apple, NVidia, and Google.
What is the secret of Amazon's astounding success? Tireless focus on customers
As Amazon enters into its fourth decade of life, it faces some challenges. Its e-commerce business is slowing (after a hefty growth during the pandemic). Its cloud business AWS faces strong competition from Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. In 2022, AWS business was 13% higher than Microsoft Azure, today the gap is only 6%. It lags Microsoft in deployment of generative AI. Also the antitrust police is keeping a close eye on its bundled businesses.
However Amazon is a pioneer in innovation
I think the new Amazon is all about integration. We have seen the e-commerce & video streaming via Amazon Prime. Now it is tying its Advertising arm to this bundle. Like Youtube, you can pay an extra $3 to have ad-free streaming. Prime has 300m members and they tend to buy more than the non-members. The Advertising arm generates 40% margin, higher than that of AWS. Amazon will extract more value by tying the retail business more closely to Ad units and video streaming services.
The Economist this week said, "..Amazon’s focus on its customers and innovation should stand it in good stead throughout. People often counted Amazon out over the years; in the build-up to the dotcom bust commentators nicknamed it “Amazon.bomb”, and many jeered when the firm launched its cloud-computing service. To dismiss Amazon again today would be a mistake".