Happy 30th Anniversary to the ADA
Justin Dart, Jr., an advocate for people with disabilities who was widely recognized as the “father” of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), offered this observation following the passage of the ADA in 1990: “ADA is only the beginning. It is not a solution. Rather, it is an essential foundation on which solutions will be constructed.”
Fast forward three decades as we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the signing of the ADA this Sunday, July 26, Dart’s words continue to ring true.
There have been many improvements made to public transit vehicles that benefit members of the disability community and provide opportunities since the passage of the ADA, including:
· Buses and railcars are equipped with handrails;
· Kneeling mechanisms on buses, low floors on light rail vehicles, and high-level platforms on commuter railcars;
· Driver or automated stop announcements make it easier for all passengers to know where they are;
· According to the APTA Public Transportation Fact Book, from 1993 to 2019 (the most recent year for which data are available), the percentage of buses that are accessible increased from 51 percent to 99.8 percent, and passenger trips on demand-response services increased from 68 million in 1990 to 209 million in 2019.
Today, Americans have more, and better, public transit options in large part because of the passage of the ADA. Over the past 30 years, we have seen how the public transportation industry has improved accessibility in transit services and facilities, not only for people with disabilities, but for all Americans.
So, on this momentous occasion, let us pause and reflect on how this landmark legislation has positively impacted our industry and our nation.
Happy 30th Anniversary to the ADA!