Happy 25th Anniversary, EDEP

Happy 25th Anniversary, EDEP

Late 90’s PHADA Leadership and Rutgers University Led the Way?

Take a moment and think back to the year 1999. You may recall the world spent much of the year worrying about a possible technological meltdown that might come with the onset of Y2K. President Bill Clinton had been impeached by the House of Representatives, but the Senate acquitted him in early ’99. The war in Kosovo raged on while the Europeans created a brand-new currency, appropriately called the Euro. Sadly, John F. Kennedy, Jr. and his wife Carolyn died in an Atlantic Ocean plane crash. A new TV show debuted on HBO that would go on to vast commercial and critical success. It was called The Sopranos. All this was in the same year that PHADA and Rutgers University initiated the successful Executive Director Education Program (EDEP).?

In light of its 25th anniversary, it is worth reflecting on EDEP’s history. Hundreds of housing professionals have graduated from the program over the last quarter of a century, and there is no question it has helped improve the caliber of professionalism in our industry.?


NJ Members, PHADA Professional Development Committee Deserve Credit

Back in the late nineties several New Jersey members, led by Jack McAvaddy (Atlantic City), observed that Rutgers University and the New Jersey state association had developed a good training program that might be replicated on a national scale. Many of us fondly remember the late Dr. Leo Dauwer, who was one of the leading instructors in the New Jersey program. He, McAvaddy, and others collaborated closely with PHADA’s Professional Development Committee (led then by Jim Rice of Connecticut) to tailor the program to a national audience. The late Jackie Zelinka, who worked for Rutgers, was also instrumental in this effort.?

In a 1999 Advocate column, then PHADA President David Madden noted that interest in EDEP was so high at the association’s first conference of the year that some interested students could not be accommodated for the Executive Housing Management course. The class therefore had to be repeated at the annual convention later in the year. Indeed, PHADA staff went back and reviewed 1999–2000 editions of the Advocate, noting that EDEP was an immediate success. Registration exceeded all expectations.?


The Curriculum

Over the decades, the course of study has been modified to meet the needs of EDs in a constantly changing environment. For example, there was no RAD in 1999 and far fewer HAs were using tax credits then.?

The program exposes the experienced professional to theoretical concepts as well as practical problem-solving techniques. Nuts and bolts issues are addressed in the classroom setting with time for interactive discussion. EDEP consists of ten courses on specific topic areas.

  1. Ethics
  2. The Future of Affordable Housing and Preservation Strategies (Formerly “Executive Housing Management”)
  3. Financial Management
  4. Legal Issues
  5. Maintenance Management
  6. Organizational Leadership (Formerly “Planning for Change”)
  7. Personnel Management
  8. Procurement and Contract Management
  10. Public Relations & Communications

I know firsthand how important EDEP can be to one’s professional development. My predecessor and mentor in Oklahoma City, John Johnson (who was also PHADA President), suggested I enroll. Not only did I learn a lot, but I was able to make several longtime contacts, who I still consult for guidance and advice. I graduated in 2009 and am proud that John Johnson’s signature is on my certificate. Hundreds of other industry colleagues, including many former and current PHADA Trustees have graduated from the program, as have several of PHADA’s policy staff.?


A Training Ground for New and Aspiring EDs

The program is especially helpful at this time because so many Executive Directors have retired or are nearing retirement. The courses provide a good training ground for aspiring EDs, who will soon lead their own agencies. In addition, the program has been beneficial to PHADA, increasing participation on our various committees and ultimately on our Board of Trustees. In fact, my predecessor, David Northern and I always visited EDEP students, encouraging them to get more involved in PHADA. We appreciate that so many have taken us up on this suggestion.?

The next set of courses will be held in Washington this coming September and then in Miami in January. I encourage interested housing professionals to consider taking courses or recommending them to your staff. You can find more information on the PHADA website.



