Happy 2024!!!
Manhattan Area Chamber Of Commerce
A nonprofit organization working to support the business development of MHK to make it a better place to live and work.
The team at the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce could not be more excited about 2024. There are incredible opportunities for us this year to advance our main goal of growth and economic prosperity for the Manhattan region. I look forward to sharing those with you over the next 52 weeks.
In case you missed it over the holidays, our team presented year-end reports to the Manhattan City Commission as part of that entity’s dialog on renewing agreements with our organization for economic development and tourism services. I am proud of the tremendous work put in by our team over the last year and would encourage you to review the materials presented. You can find them on the city’s agenda for the meeting here.
The commission then unanimously approved agreements for economic development, military relations and tourism for 2024. Thank you to the commission for their continued support and belief that we create greater opportunities for our community by working together on these initiatives. The communities that lead the country in economic prosperity initiatives are those with documented and formal relationships between the public and private sector. Manhattan has been, and will continue to be, a leader in this regard.
In light of the approvals occurring on the last official meeting of 2023, I would also like to thank Mark Hatesohl and Linda Morse for their service to Manhattan on the commission. Their terms officially end on Tuesday with the swearing in of the new commission. Congratulations to John Matta for winning a second term and new commissioners Susan Adamchak, Karen McCulloh and Peter Oppelt. Those four, along with Commissioner Wynn Butler, will make up our commission for the next two years.
While there is a lot of work for that quintet, the obvious biggest project in 2024 is replacing long-time city manager Ron Fehr. It will be a big task, but one we believe this commission will be prepared for and we look forward to working with them in whatever capacity necessary to move our community forward.