Happiness in your Physical Body…KickAss Happiness in your Physical Body:

Happiness in your Physical Body…KickAss Happiness in your Physical Body:

So let's, from the start, get the big, pink elephant out of the room. What do I mean by that? I am an elegant woman, graceful, and educated, aristocratic, from Europe. So why would I even say that word, "Kick-ass"? And why "Kickass Happiness"? you may wonder, 

 And here it is, this is personal for me because that's what I needed. I did not need it when I was in my 20s, or 30s, not even when I was in my 40s, but after 50, and especially in my 60s and beyond, that's what I needed to really get me to change. What does it mean to get me to change? 

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I got a bit shocked into understanding why you and I are mostly unhappy. I never forget when my spiritual teacher made this clear to me. He said: "Do you know that you don’t want to be happy? You say you want to be happy, but you don't want to be happy." 

: I said, "What do you mean I don't want to be happy?" Of course, I want to be happy. I’m sure about that!” I gave it to him, and it felt great because I felt so strongly about my position on happiness” 

"What I mean," He said, was, "You do everything to prevent your happiness” “Like how do I do that? I asked. He said: 

“ You're hung up about so many things, you play so many roles, you hide in too many identities” and he gave a couple more examples that I could not deny, they were fitting me. I said, "Oh my god. You mean I have to let go of a lot of the things that I became quite accustomed to?" "Yes." He said---they obstruct your happiness.”  

: "That's hard. And it still is at times, but it is also expanding my awareness that I have choices. When I incorporated this important awareness into the moments where I felt sorry for myself or upset with somebody or something; when I felt unhappy because my expectations were not met, it hit home.… 

That did not change everything right away, because and a mental awareness needs practice and then followed by choosing a different attitude. This is what actually took me a while. 

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It took me almost a decade to really get it. But when I arrived where I wanted to, where I could be real, where I consciously chose differently, I realized that I had the power and authority to let go of most or many of my hung-up’s; they just dropped away and at the same time I felt more empowered and happy. I felt relieved and so much lighter, not because of anything particular, but an inner attitude of letting go and surrender. Happiness was there when I removed what obstructed it

You see, I needed to experience it first, right? Because how can I feel you, advise you or teach anything if I haven't experienced it first? 

And I found that it is easier to be unhappy than it is to be happy. Do you get that? We don't know that we are rooted deeply in unhappiness, because we are constantly searching on the outside for our happiness. 

Maybe if you feel lucky because you’re financially sound, or independent and enjoy a nice and comfortable life, lots of thrills, but novelties and thrills do not create happiness; they will not even last; your happiness lies in discovering the profoundly awesome woman that you are beyond everything on the outside. The Magic of who you are lies in your true Identity. And the challenge is that we are so set in our beliefs and attitudes and habits that we are constantly in our own way of experiencing true happiness. 

So this is where I'm going with this. I needed quite a bit of Kick-Ass myself. That’s why I know what it takes to transform unhappiness and even boredom to fulfillment and happiness.  

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Coming to the theme of Happiness in your Body, you and I know that it used to be easier to be slim, fit, and energetic when we were much younger.

Let me share the first principal of physical happiness…it is  "MOVEMENT"

Stay tuned for the next article on “Movement” in your physical body.

I look forward to our chat where we can explore how you too can let go of everything that keeps you stuck.

So don’t forget to book your free session with me by clicking this link below. 


Much Love,


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